th_maggie wrote in spn_treehouse Sep 02, 2010 21:39
no i'm not still high, maggie and tessa are bomb, family doesn't end in blood, bitches be jellas, tessa, takin care of business, zeddmores do it best, madness? this is treehouse!, oh god what's going on, keep it in your pants everyone, let's get this party started, you got served, i am woman - hear me roar, bitchfight, deal with it, back to normal, a forever friendship, oh shit hoohak, calm the fuck down already, tessa is a bamf, dance partay, oh fuck what now, maggie, fail, tessa has the hottest body, i don't even know, tag team, legit bamfness, xoxo, lol drunk, no take it out of your pants, fashion sense - we have it, maggie is hot, maggie is one fierce bitch, hahah you lose hardcore, life is full of glitter, unf unf unf, um...what
th_maggie wrote in spn_treehouse Jul 22, 2010 11:53
maggie is pissed, ruby, ruby is team evil, ruby must pay, harry, harry is dead again, maggie, bitchfight