Title: Trost und Freude (Comfort and Joy) (Chapter 15/17)
celtic_cookieRequest terms: Sam and Dean of course, and I love John: Lots of John! A Pre-series Christmas Story! Familial bonding, maybe a holiday-themed hunt?
Summary: Saginaw, Michigan, 1990: Going holiday shopping may hold more hazards than just the insane crowds and parents hell-bent on the buying the latest toy. John goes undercover to look into a series of accidents at the local mall. Meanwhile, Dean and Sam respond to Christmas-season festivities at school with unexpected results.
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen
Wordcount (this chapter): about 3,645
Spoilers: All three seasons through 3x08, may or may not be Origins-compliant
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, not mine, just my fantasy.
Author’s Notes: So, if there were any doubt about this week’s
“Monday Meta” over at wee_chesters, I hope that this chapter settles it: April Fool’s, gang. Not about this chapter-about that meta. No, I don’t really hate John. I try to portray him in a fair and balanced way. He’s far from perfect, but he did love Dean and Sam and he tried to bring them up the best way he could think to do. Which included some decidedly weird decisions. ;^D Also, I’ll be representing the anti-John side of the debate at EyeCon this weekend, so I have been needing to let my “John Hate” come out a little more than usual. But no, I really do generally like John, I just want to smack him occasionally. Luckily, I’m not alone, as Ellen and Bobby will prove during this chapter. Oh, and by the way? If the previous chapter was sparse before the beta got it? This one? Was almost pure dialogue. Yay for the beta, because she reminds me that in fictional narrative, stage directions and line readings are Good Things ™. Thanks,
From the Top Then Now: John turned the corner, out of sight of the apartment door, and slammed the heel of his hand against the steering wheel.