Title: Trost und Freude (Comfort and Joy) (Chapter 14/17)
celtic_cookieRequest terms: Sam and Dean of course, and I love John: Lots of John! A Pre-series Christmas Story! Familial bonding, maybe a holiday-themed hunt?
Summary: Saginaw, Michigan, 1990: Going holiday shopping may hold more hazards than just the insane crowds and parents hell-bent on the buying the latest toy. John goes undercover to look into a series of accidents at the local mall. Meanwhile, Dean and Sam respond to Christmas-season festivities at school with unexpected results.
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen
Wordcount (this chapter): about 4,905
Spoilers: All three seasons through 3x08, may or may not be Origins-compliant
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, not mine, just my fantasy.
Author’s Notes: This week has been a doozy, and I have SO MUCH to do before the end of the next week, but hey, I have my priorities straight!
etakyma keeps reminding me that this is not a dialogue-fic and therefore I do need to include physical descriptions during those long stretches of conversation. I'm not sure about the EyeCon finish line, with so much to do, but I'll try to keep it moving. The next chapter is short, though (well, it is currently, but I haven't got it back from the awesome beta of awesomeness, yet), so I may even be able to post it tomorrow. No promises, sorry!
From the Top Then Now: “Dean! Dean!” Sammy’s high voice cut through all the electronic clamor of the arcade.