Sing, O muse

Mar 12, 2016 13:08

Mythology recs! Supernatural is already full of myth and folklore, old Gods and rituals. It's what I love about it. Here are stories, both SPN and SPN RPF, that feature classic Greek mythology, or create lingering legends of their own.

The Old Gods Return by fleshflutter (Sam/Dean, NC-17)
Notes: Beautifully written horror meshed with HP Lovecraft (warnings: altered states sex, mentions of mpreg, some sexual molestation)

Place of Sacrifice by brutti_ma_buoni (J2, M)
Summary: In a nation where adult destinies are set by draft, Jensen's always known he and Jared can't expect to be together. But he dreamed it might happen all the same. And when Jared's destiny turns bad, Jensen isn't about to leave him alone. Whatever it takes.

Imbolic by Miss_LV (J2, NC-17)
Summary: Jensen is a bullied teenager out in the woods at the wrong time on the wrong day. Of every scenario he could thing up happening, being hunted down, caught and then offered up as a ritual sacrifice to the horned god Jared was certainly not on the list.

Elegy for the Living by cleflink (J2, T)
Summary: “Great,” Jensen muttered. “I’m going into the Underworld to get my best friend's soul back armed with the power of song. How could that possibly go wrong?” A modern myth.

Fight the Rising Odds by bertee (J2, NC-17)
Summary: Jensen is sexually harassed by the entire Greek pantheon and Jared is hopelessly in love with him.

For the Favor by deandatsgay (J2, JA/JDM; T)
Summary: There will be no song of Jensen's trial.

Jarecules: The Jolly Greek Giant by dugindeep (J2, M)
Summary: As the son of Zeus and Hera, Jarecules has the unique position of carrying unparalleled strength and a soft heart. Unfortunately, he's also got two left feet and a disastrous crush on one Jensen Ackles. Literally.

It Doesn't Mean You Can Explain the Ocean by rageprufrock (Gen - Sam/Dean if you squint, T)
Summary: There are noises in the cosmic grapevine about three women in Savannah, about prophesy and oracle and older gods than even they know the words for, and Dean hears about it from a waitress at the counter of a diner off the side of a North Carolina freeway.
(and then astolat's amazing follow-up Unasked [SamDean, NC-17])


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