It was the moon and her children, the wolves, who owned the night

Feb 29, 2016 01:41

Sometimes, I just want our boys all possessive and protective and completely wrapped up in each other. One trope that's perfect for that kind of thing? Werewolves. Or most things were, really.
Below you can find a colorful mix of J2 plus supportive cast as werecougars, wereravens, werewildcats, werefoxes, and many, many more. The cherry on top: bondmates, soulmates, and other variations of that epic love story of Jared and Jensen I so adore.

29 Days by ashtraythief (J2, NC-17, 29,569 words)
Summary: Twenty-Nine days stuck in ninety square feet would have been bad enough in itself, but that was before Jensen realized he had to share the cell with a werewolf. Despite being natural enemies, he and Jared have to find a way to work together to escape a group of hunters.

The Wolf in the Woods by morrezela (J2, PG-13, 6,826 words)
Summary: Jensen is a baker who keeps getting accosted by a wolf with a sweet tooth every time he tries to deliver food to his grandmother’s house.

love is a battlefield (and you have given me the arms) by elbe (J2, NC-17, 6,361 words)
Summary: Jared is running from all he left behind; his friends, his family, his love. His humanity. He should know he can't run forever.
Bonus: This one comes with a sequel, "i promised you a heart you promised to keep", which you can read here.

Nature is an Evil Bitch, or How Jared Learned to Stop Worrying and Let His Freak Flag Fly by MaryRoyale (J2, NC-17, 21,850 words)
Summary: Jared knew he was a freak. In fact, he had a whole list of reasons that proved his freakiness. Oddly enough, the fact that he was a werewolf didn't even make the list because Jared had far more to worry about than the fact that sometimes he was furry and had four feet and a tail.

Were by xDarkDesires (J2, NC-17, 100,558 words)
Summary: Jensen Ackles was bitten. Nothing special about it. He was hunted down and bitten for reasons nobody knows. Jared managed to find him before anything else could happen and took him to the safety of his own pack. Unaware of the unexplainable forces driving them together they both have to search for who did this to Jensen and why. Turns out, Jensen’s a little more special than anyone ever could have imagined.
Bonus: First part of a series of seven, all of which can be found here.

The Lark at Break of Day Arising by natashawitch (J2, NC-17, 44,613 words)
Summary: At the Ackles Pack outside Dallas, Jensen is an omega wolf who believes his future is set in stone, until he is exchanged as part of a business deal between his Pack Alpha and the Alpha of a British Wolf Pack.
Jared is an alpha but an outsider in his home of Piseagard in Scotland. He spends as much time as possible away from home, at university, visiting his Texan and Polish cousins, or hiding behind the grassy hillock with his BFF Misha.
Biology, circumstance, society and pack law are against Jared and Jensen ever coming in contact with each other but sometimes things are destined to be.
Bonus: This one comes with several sequels and timestamps, all of which can be found here. Be aware that Jared and Jensen are not the main focus of all these works.

Wild is the Wind by Nutkin (J2, NC-17, 15,843 words)
Summary: Jared is a well-adjusted werewolf on a quest to find his mate; Jensen is a battle-scarred recluse who lives in the woods. It's true love.

Waiting for Sunrise by saucyminx (J2, NC-17, 69,205 words)
Summary: They were just children the first time they met but six year old Jensen knew even then that the creature deep within him was calling to Jared. In a world where the darkness held only fear, Jensen’s random appearances in Jared’s life show him a whole new side of night.
Bonus: First part of a series of three, read them here.

[Subject line from Beth Rodgers' "Howling Wolves".]

soulmates, alpha/beta/omega, werewolves, animal traits, mating/claiming, werecreatures

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