Reverse Bang

Mar 14, 2015 22:01

There was some brilliant art in the recent spn_reversebang which inspired some great stories. I hope to do a couple of rec posts from it. This first list is of some Gen fics I loved.

Art both beautiful and disturbing by the talented quickreaver inspired this wonderfully creepy tale of the boys encounter with a monster in The Flock by museaway

The art alone by amberdreamshad me chortling with its cheekiness and the masterful story by de-nugis http://de-nugis called A Tenancy takes a crack premise and makes it slide right into show canon.

This moody animated art by over-thehills led to this To Suffer and Be Strong by winchesterpooja which takes place just after Fan Fiction in S10. A case!fic which sees Sam and Dean both manifesting powers and its quite thrilling! I love the inserts of 2nd person POV from Sam.

Cute-as-a-button art by jaelijn
led to an equally adorable and funny fic called Tears Still Flow by spn-passenger in which a cursed Castiel turns to the boys for help. Special guest appearance by Gabriel!

Post-apocalyptic art by lightthesparks lead to an unsettling fic by rednikjow called You've Got Time set during S3 and a nationwide Croatoan epidemic. The fic is from Sam's POV and his voice is spot on. The author hinted at a sequel and I'd love to read one!

art, gen, reversebang

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