Something There(2/?) - Steve/Thor

Jun 12, 2012 20:33

Title: Something There (2/?)

Fandom: Avengers (2012)

Pairing: Steve/Thor, Steve&Pepper friendship, side Pepper/Tony

Rating: T, will be going up in later chapters.

Word Count: 1000~

Warnings: Unbetad, Slash

Disclaimer: I do not own these boys or the franchise, if I did you'd never hear from me again. ;)

Summary: Steve is settling into his room and gets a surprise visit.

A/N: This was an interesting chapter for me, because the way I write Thor kind of irrrates me, I never know if it sounds right. Its also a short chapter, the next one will be longer. Comments are welcomed and I love them. :D

It took two more days for Steve to pack completely, after that it was all uphill from there. He called Pepper shortly after he was done, saying that he had everything he needed packed and ready to go. She sent over Happy with a small truck and he helped Steve load everything into the back. The ride over had been relatively quiet, only a few words were passed between the two men in the car.

Steve's first day consisted of unpacking the few boxes he had into his room. The room was nice, it had a queen sized bed with a red, white, and blue comfortable which wasn't surprising if he knew Stark even a little. It was like a taunting, weird, sarcastic thing Stark did. The man worried him a little. He ran a hand through his hair, before he pulled the easel out of the box and set it up in front of the window. He loved the view from his room, he could see almost the entire city from his window at the tower. He loved it, he knew Pepper probably had something to do with it.

He leaned against the window sill for a second, hands shoved in his jeans pockets. He zoned out, totally not noticing the door opening and closing. He spun around when he heard a voice.

“Captain Rogers.” He spun around to see Thor standing in front of the closed door, hand shoved into his pockets as well, he was dressed in civilian clothes. Dark blue jeans and a tight black shirt, it was a good look. It made his fit body stand out, the muscles on his chest looked firmer and bigger. Steve's face flushed lightly when he caught his mind wandering to underneath the shirt, to see the muscles and touch the skin.

“Hey, Thor.” He flushed again, rubbing the bag of his neck. The bigger man smiled, his grin almost child like as he did so. Steve couldn't help but smile back.

“I see you are moving in very smoothly,” Thor commented walking further into the room, and closer to Steve. He felt his heart beat get faster as Thor got closer, he mentally slapped himself. He was being strange. He felt feminine, smaller, and just plain different around Thor.

“Yeah, its going alright.” Steve glanced around the room, fiddling with his hands, his nerves getting the best of him. “How is your moving in? I see you have new clothes.” He looked the other man over again, before moving across the room to keep unpacking.

“I did, yes. Man of Iron suggested I have something new and his lady, along with Natasha and Clint took me shopping. Which was a pleasant and new experience.” Thor smiled at Steve, who was nodding. Steve wasn't looking at Thor at all, keeping his hands busy pulling paint supplies out of the box.

“That's sound great. The clothes look amazing on you.” Steve felt his face flush, setting the paint stuff on table next to his easel. “I mean, th..they look nice on you.” He stumbled on his words slightly, “I mean they suit you well.” He ran a hand through his hair feeling his heart beat speed up just slightly. He noticed Thor looking at him with a small smile on his face.

“Thank you, Captain.” Thor nodded his head in approval. “I came to ask you if you would accompany me for 'dinner and a movie'?” Steve stared at him, his mouth agape. All Thor did was smile.

“Like a date?” Steve asked hesitantly, he wondered were this was coming from. He didn't think he'd ever given anything away. Apparently he had.

“Yes, that is what Natasha called it. Although I am not sure what it means.” Thor crossed his arms over his chest and smiled, “She said it was best to ask and if I was turned down to not ever bring it up again.” Steve smiled a little, nodding his head afraid his voice would portray him, he mumbled a small yes at the floor. Thor smiled, this huge wide loving smile.

“I look forward to it. Would tomorrow evening be acceptable?” Thor asked as he stepped closer to Steve.

“That should be fine.” Steve nodded a blush creeping up his cheeks. Thor stepped a little closer before taking Steve's hand and kissing it, which only made his blush worse.

“I look forward to it, Steven.” Thor let go of his hand and smiled, then exited the room. Steve just stood there holding his hand to his chest. That came out of nowhere. Thor had never shown any interest in him or any that he could see. Steve closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves and he heart that was beating so fast.

He had a date tomorrow night with the God of Thunder. A God for Pete's sake. He ran a hand through his hair and stared at the floor for a second. He'd never been on a date, what was he supposed to do? What was he supposed to wear? He wasn't sure who he could even talk to about this. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He wondered if he could talk to Pepper, would she be busy right now.

“Jarvis? Do you know where I could find Ms. Potts?”

rating: pg-13, thor oddinson, steve/thor, hammer bangs shield, steve rogers. the avengers, slash, thundershield

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