Something There(1/?) - Steve/Thor

May 31, 2012 22:52

Title: Something There (1/?)
Fandom: Avengers (2012)
Pairing: Steve/Thor, Steve&Pepper friendship
Rating: PG - 13, will be going up in later chapters.
Word Count: 1600~
Warnings: None in this chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys or the franchise, if I did you'd never hear from me again. ;)

Summary: Steve is settling into his new life with the Avengers. Their all moving into together and everyone has no idea what will happen.

A/N: I know were I'm going with their relationship, well were I want to get, what happens in between there is still a mystery. Haha I'm worried Thor isn't in character when I'm writing him, but I didn't want him to be too intense like some people tend to write him. This is my first Thundershield story so be warned.

Waiting was one of the few things Steve had always been able to do, from waiting to be adopted, to waiting for Bucky, and now to waiting for Fury to make a decision. They'd all being sitting in a briefing room, sort of staring at each other for a while. They were all just waiting for Fury to give them the go ahead. He heard Tony sigh and he looked in the man's direction, just like everyone else did. Tony had his sunglasses still on, obviously he was hung-over; he was rubbing his forehead while leaning his elbow on the table.

“It’s a good idea, Fury. That's why I'm suggesting it.” Tony's voice was laced with boredom, “Having everyone in one place is good idea and there’s plenty of room in the tower. Ask Pepper. We can all 'assemble' when you need us; Thor has a place to stay, etc.” Tony had used air quotes when he said assemble, which cause a snicker from Clint's direction.

Steve just sat there silently, waiting to be told what to do. He admitted to himself that it sounded like a good idea. He internally sighed; he kind of wanted to do it. He was lonely living by himself.

“I'd have to agree with Stark,” Thor spoke up, “It seems like a fine idea, does it not?” His eyebrow raised in question. Steve looked away from Thor, his voice sending chills down Steve's spine. He cleared his throat, hoping no one noticed the little shiver he did in his seat.

“See, Barbie agrees with me.” Tony pointed out, waving a hand in Thor's direction. Thor gave him a very confused look. Clint chuckled along with Coulson.

Steve leaned forward, bracing his arms on the table, “As much as I hate to, I agree with Stark, too. It does seem like a good idea. Having everyone in the same house would allow for everyone to learn to get along and to become a better team,” Fury raised his eyebrows at Steve, apparently confused as to why Steve was taking Stark's side.

Fury paced a little, “Alright. But,” certain people groaned, “under certain conditions. And Coulson moves in, too.” Steve saw Coulson stand up in his peripherals, the man was nodding an okay. He heard several voices, everyone sort of speaking together for a few minutes. He wondered if this was going to work out or if they'd all wind up killing each other.

After the battle with Loki, everyone had kind of gone their separate ways. Thor had gone back to Asgard, Clint and Natasha stayed at SHIELD, Bruce had already moved into the tower which Tony and Pepper had been remodeling, and Steve had stayed at his apartment. He'd been by himself ever since he'd woken up and this sounded like a great opportunity to get to know his team. He stood up not moments before someone slap him on the back.

“Captain Rogers,” Thor said to him, “I find this moving into together thing quite exciting.” Steve smiled at the bigger man, feeling Thor's hand still on his back.

“It is going to be interesting.” Clint spoke as he walked towards the door. He felt Thor move from standing next to him; Steve automatically missed his presence. He watched them leave together, Natasha following them, and Thor saying something about getting pizza. Steve smile lightly, the man sure did love his food.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” He looked over at Agent Coulson, nodding for a minute.

“It might be,” Steve shrugged, “We'll never know if it’s not until we try.” He grabbed his jacket and started to leave, feeling Coulson follow him out of the room. He started for the elevator so he could go home and start packing. This was going to be an interesting and taxing experience.

Steve had been packing for about two hours now. He had decided that going with them to get pizza wasn't what he wanted to do. Stark had said that they should all get moved in as soon as possible, so they could start on the bonding. Steve knew Tony wasn't being serious, but he didn't care. He didn't have all that much to pack either and he felt this weekend would be the perfect time to move in. Steve wasn't sure if he was more excited or nervous. He hadn't really been excited about anything in a while, and he was glad it was something like this. He shook his head, packing away some of his belongings.

He stopped when he heard a knock on his door. He walked down the small hallway of his apartment to the door, he scrunched his face a little, confused. He opened the door to reveal Pepper Potts, he smiled down at her.

“Hello, Ms. Potts.” He greeted her, a small smile on his lips.

“Hi, Steven. Please call me Pepper.” He grinned at her again, his brow scrunched a little. He opened the door, allowing her to come in.

“Is there something I can do for you, M...Pepper?” Steve closed the door, once she entered. She turned smiling at him.

“Tony's talking with everyone else about moving in and he said that you didn't tag along for pizza. So instead of calling, which probably would have been easier,” she laughed nervously, “but what girl doesn't want to meet Captain America. I decided to stop in when I was finished visiting Agent Hill.” She laughed again, traveling further into the apartment. Steve was only in his jeans and a light blue t-shirt; he was barefoot, too. He felt kind of uncomfortable having a woman in his apartment when he wasn't dressed accordingly.

“I...I..Alright?” Steve tried to sound okay about the visit but he could hear the hesitation in his voice as he spoke. She smiled shyly at him, her body language calm.

“He wants to get everyone moved in sometime this weekend or sometime next week. He's kind of giddy about the whole thing, which, knowing Tony isn't strange, however, he's just acting different. I think he's ready to make friends with you guys.” Pepper moved further into the apartment. Steve shoved his hands into his pockets and walking into the living room. “I see you've already started packing,” she smiled at him again, her head sort tilted.

“Yeah, I wanted to get started.” Steve rubbed the back of his neck, feeling nervous at actually having someone here in his apartment.

“Well, I think Tony will be glad that you're excited.” Pepper laughed looking around the apartment at some of the things he had up. The TV that wasn't too big but it also wasn't too small. The lap top that SHIELD had given him, that he hadn't really even used, he'd typed a little on it. That had taken him weeks trying to figure out how to type on it properly.

“Why are you excited?” She looked at him confused for a moment before looking away. “Never mind, you don't have to tell me. I mean, not really any of my business.” She sat down on his couch, setting her purse down and relaxing a bit. Steve stood there a minute, awkwardly, before joining her on the opposite side of the couch.

“Honestly, I'm kind of want to get to know everyone better. I'm friends with Dr. Banner and Tony seems to like me well enough. Coulson likes me,” Pepper laughed at that and mumbled something about fan boy, whatever that was. “Clint and Natasha seem closer than everyone else, I assume because of their pasts.” He paused for a minute, running a hand through his hair. “And, well, Thor just seems to go with the flow.” He laughed, making a confused sort of face. He wasn't sure he was using that phrase correctly.

Truthfully, he was excited to get the chance to know Thor. He wasn't sure if anything would even happen and if it even did, how things would work out. Steve had discovered his attraction to the God, shortly after meeting him. Thor had this thing about him that drove Steve to be near him and he'd been doing his best to just away at this point. Steve wasn't going to throw himself at Thor, never mind the fact that Thor was a man, but also Steve just wasn't like that. He knew he was shy and quiet and he like that about himself, however, it was also quite frustrating. Never being able to talk to a girl correctly or anyone he found attractive. He'd blush uncontrollable every time Tony said anything remotely sexual.

He was a 90 year old virgin for Pete sake. He didn't swear or talk bad about anyone. He was nice, and he knew people took advantage of that sometimes. He was snapped out of his thoughts by Ms. Potts talking again.

“Well, how about you finish packing, then call me, and we'll get you moved in.” She smiled at him, before standing. Steve stood with her which caused her to grin further. “It was nice meeting you, Steve, and sorry, for just coming over.” She shuffled through her purse finding one of her cards, “If texting is somehow easier then calling that works, too.” Steve took it from her, smiling.

“Thank you, Ms...Pepper.” He corrected himself when she looked at him sternly, “I'll probably be done by Saturday. I really don't have that much.” He told her, following her to the door. She said something about just calling her and she'd send Happy over to help. He thanked her again before they bid their farewells.

He looked at the clock, deciding maybe sleep was the best choice at this point. He didn't sleep much to begin with but for some reason he was emotionally exhausted. He relaxed his muscles and went to his room to change before crawling into bed and fell asleep instantly.

rating: pg-13, thor oddinson, steve/thor, steve rogers. the avengers, slash

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