Schedule, Rules and FAQ for 2022

Jul 17, 2022 19:23

Hello artists! Let's go! It's time to start brainstorming again and prepare to lure an author to this creative sandbox:) This is the 13th edition of the SPN_ReverseBang!
Keep an eye on this sticky post for updates during the challenge!

Schedule 2022:
SAT July 23: Sign-Ups Open [ Artist | Writer | Beta]
SAT September 10: Artist Sign-Ups Close

SUN September 11: Early Bird Art Submissions Due [ Art Submission Guidelines]
SUN September 18: Final Art Submissions Due [ Art Submission Guidelines]

THU September 22: Art posts go up: PREVIEWS are up!
FRI September 23: Writer sign-ups close (Noon EDT (USA) = 18:00 CEST (Europe)
SAT September 24: Claims Open (11:00 a.m. EDT (USA) = 17:00 CEST (Europe)

MON September 26: TUE September 27: The Big Reveal!
FRI September 30: Posting Schedule Announced

FRI October 14: General check in for artist/author pairings
SUN October 23: Writer Rough Drafts Due (MANDATORY)

MON November 7: Posting Begins [ Posting Guidelines 2022]

Rules & FAQ for 2022:

Overview | Schedule | For Artists | For Authors | For Betas | Claiming Process | Crossovers and Misc. | Contact

Challenge Overview:
This is a reverse of the usual Bang challenge. Each artist wishing to participate creates at least one piece of art featuring any character from Supernatural or SPN RPF (excluding the real-life children of the actors). The art will be posted anonymously to be claimed by an author.

Authors are then expected to write a short fic (minimum of 3,000 words) based on the art they chose.

We expect authors and artists to leave their SPN_Reversebang stories and artwork accessible and unlocked for at least six months after posting. We also strongly encourage that if you plan to delete or lock your journal after posting, that you consider archiving your work at an additional site such as AO3 or imgur.

We highly recommend you have a Livejournal account to participate in this challenge, and all participants should join the community on this platform to ensure that they don't miss important deadlines or updates to the challenge. We'll only be posting abridged notifications on our Tumblr, Dreamwidth, Pillowfort and Twitter, so please check the LJ comm often, for complete updates.

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Rules for Artists:
Each submission should be one (1) piece of new art, and it should be completed. (You may still add and make changes to your work after claims, but an author should be able to use it as a prompt as-is).

Your art may NOT have been posted anywhere else previous to this challenge.

Minimum requirements: 400x600 px for 2-dimensional art and photos of 3-dimensional crafts, or 30 seconds for a vid. There is no maximum, but be considerate of your file sizes so uploading isn't difficult. All media welcomed, be it digital or traditional!

Artists may submit up to two (2) separate pieces of art for this challenge, but only if they make the Early Bird deadline with the first of them. If the Early Bird deadline is missed, artists may only submit one (1) piece.
The Early Bird deadline this year will be Sunday, September 11th. All other art will be due Sunday, September 18th.

This challenge is open to all pairings and genres, so long as it includes at least one character or actor from Supernatural. Artists may choose to specify what pairings (if any) they envision in the story, maximum rating, squicks, and a short text description of their piece. Please note: this description is not meant to be a story prompt or request!

Submission Guidelines for 2022

Artists are not allowed to also sign-up as authors, and vice versa. The only exception to this is pinch-hitting, for which everyone can sign up as long as they are on-schedule with their initial prompt(s) --please visit spnrbb_pinchhit for details--.

Also, DO NOT repost the art to Tumblr, DeviantArt, etc. until after it has been united with its fic and officially posted to the comm as a finished product. After that you can go nuts!

Artist sign-ups are CLOSED!

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Rules for the Authors:
Authors must write a fic based on the art they chose during the Art Claims, this story will have a minimum of 3,000 words. There is no maximum, but be considerate of the time you have and plan accordingly. Claims will be first come, first served. Your fic must be related to the art for which it is written, and it cannot have been already posted elsewhere.

Rough drafts will be due Sunday October 23rd. Drafts should be at least 2,000 words long, and should include an outline of uncompleted sections. This check-in is mandatory so we know you're on schedule to finish.

Important! A certain level of communication with your artist is expected. If you do not meet your deadlines or fail to communicate with your artist, you may receive one or more warnings, after which a pinch-hitter will be assigned.

The fics must be beta read, and we have a post for Fic Beta volunteers available for authors to contact directly. There is also a non-affiliated LJ community at spn_betas where you can seek a beta reader.

Authors are not allowed to also sign-up as artists, and vice versa. The only exception to this is pinch-hitting, for which everyone can sign up, provided they are on schedule with their initial prompt(s). --please visit spnrbb_pinchhit for details--.

And lastly, authors may NOT alter the art itself in any way without the artist's permission and approval.

Author sign-ups are CLOSED!

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Beta sign-ups are OPEN!

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The Claims Process:
Art claims will officially begin on Saturday, September 24th (11:00 a.m. EDT (USA) = 17:00 CEST (Europe) at the LiveJournal comm only. The preview posts will be up on Thursday, September 22nd so that writers have time to take a look at all the art before the actual claiming starts. The previews of all the art will be accompanied by a text description of the subject, maximum rating, etc. All art will be posted anonymously, and claims will be first come, first served.

During the first round of claims every writer is allowed to make just one claim. Claiming of the same prompt by multiple writers will not be allowed. If all prompts are not claimed, we will hold a second round of claiming and authors may claim a second piece of art.

Claiming via proxy will be allowed. The details on how to do that will be provided when the art preview post goes up.

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What about crossovers?
Crossovers and fusions with other canons are not permitted in the initial art prompts. To clarify: AUs with non-canon settings, such as steampunk, campus coffeeshop, etc., are welcome, but prompts requiring specific and substantial knowledge of other canons, such as Star Trek, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Welcome to Nightvale, Soldier Boy, Walker, etc. are not. This is in no way intended to hinder our wonderful creators, but in the past, there has been considerable difficulty finding authors and pinch-hitters for crossovers and fusion art pieces. This is an SPN and SPN-RPF focused event, so the fanworks should focus on the characters or actors from Supernatural. Not every fan of SPN is aware of the canon of other shows.

All this being said, if an artist creates, say, a scifi illustration with Crowley wielding a glowing sword-like weapon, they can certainly submit it to the event but they can't specify another canon in the art description, nor require an author to write specifically in the Star Wars universe. If, however, a writer sees said illustration and thinks "Huh! Crowley would make a delightful Sith lord!", they are more than welcome to discuss this story option with the artist after Claims Day!

ADDENDUM! The one exception to the crossover/fusion clause for art is crossovers between SPN RPF and SPN FPF. For instance, if you would like Jensen, Jared, etc. to be navigating the Supernatural universe or vice versa (a la French Mistake), or you want an actor to meet their fictional counterpart, that sort of thing, this is just fine!

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If you have any questions please comment here, send an email to or send a PM to spnreversemod.

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challenge: 2022, .mod post: promotional, .mod post: 2022, .mod post: guidelines

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