Double Exposure

Nov 09, 2021 13:35

Art Title: Better Days
Prompt Number: S2004
Artist: tgtbata

Fic Title: Double Exposure
Author: flownwrong
Fandom/Genre: SPN/Romance
Pairing(s): Sam/Dean
Rating: R/Mature
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: Sibling Incest
Summary: A sequence of shots with Dean in every one where he expected empty space, looking right at him where Sam expected him to turn away, only it’s not new, either-just one of the things he didn’t take the time to notice.

Art Link(s): tumblr
Fic Link(s): AO3 | tumblr

medium: digital drawing, word count: 4000 - 6000, challenge: 2021, genre: spn, pairing: sam/dean

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