Drowning in the Ink - Fledhyris & Lilredwulfe - RPF (J2)

Nov 09, 2021 10:26

Art/Fic Title: Drowning in the Ink
Prompt Number: R1014
Artist: Lilredwulfe on ao3
Author: fledge posting as Fledhyris on ao3
Fandom/Genre: RPS romance
Pairing(s): Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 17K (in 11 chapters)
Warnings: non-human!Jared, tentacles, angst

Summary: Jensen is an artist struggling with his muse & taking a break to clear his head. While beachcombing one day, he finds a wonderful glass jewel which gives him vivid dreams and kickstarts his painting. When the painting comes to life, he meets Jared, the man of his dreams - but Jared has a few surprises under his belt. They quickly become friends, and more, but the good times can't last: Jared has to return to his people, and Jensen has to say goodbye. Except, how can he let Jared leave, when he has come to mean so much? Jensen has to make a tough decision, and if he's wrong, the cost could be his life.

Art Link(s): ao3
Fic Link(s): ao3

medium: drawing, word count: 15000 - 20000, pairing: jared/jensen, challenge: 2021, genre: rpf, rating: nc17

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