I Think I Dreamed You Into Life

Nov 30, 2012 19:31

Art Prompt Title: Angel
Art link: Art Masterlist
Prompt Number: 1029
Artist: queenmidalah

Fic Title: I Think I Dreamed You Into Life
Author: enochiansigils
Fandom/Genre: SPN
Spoilers: Up through the first few eps of season 7, then it veers off into a vague AU.
Pairing(s): Dean/Jo
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3403
Warnings: None

Summary: Sam isn't the only one whose sanity might be slipping. When Dean starts seeing Jo in random places, he starts worrying about what it might mean.

pairing: dean/jo, pairing: het, rating: pg13, word count: 3000 - 4000, medium: digital manip, genre: spn

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