A Warm Gun

Nov 30, 2012 11:00

Art Prompt Title: A Warm Gun
Art link: Art Masterlist
Prompt Number: 1035
Artist: tringic

Fic Title: A Warm Gun
Author: saltandbyrne
Fandom/Genre: SPN/dark fic
Pairing(s): Bela/Meg, Bela/Victor Henriksen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,996
Warnings: mentions of childhood sexual abuse, animal and character death (and life after death of both), torture, explicit consensual sex, dark themes

Summary: Sometimes, death is the best beginning she can hope for. A first kiss and a last one bookend the life of Bela Talbot.

pairing: het, pairing: femmeslash, word count: 3000 - 4000, rating: nc17, medium: drawing, challenge: 2012, genre: spn, pairing: rare

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