Answer whatever questions you like, and you can respond however you like!
(just copypasta into a new comment)
1. Favorite...
monster of the week:guest star:recurring character:female love[/flirt] interest:angel:demon:character death:brotherly moment:cover-your-eyes moment:tear-jerk moment:Dean moment:Sam moment:Cas moment:Bobby moment:song:episode for creepiness:episode for laughs:episode overall:character overall (at the end of the season):unsolved mystery (at the end of the season):S6 quote:S6 gif (2 MAXIMUM):S6 gag reel gif (1 MAXIMUM): 2. Least favorite...
episode:character:female love[/flirt] interest: 3. Were you looking forward to God!Cas? 4. Something you wish had happened differently [if any]: 5. Saddest death/disappearance: Poll The Road So Far S7 And be sure to post any promos/memories/gifs/pics you have of S7!