It is finally done and posted! And I said I would share it here, and here it shall be shared. :D! Crossposted in my own LJ.
Title: The Devil Really Does Wear Prada
balefullyPairing: Sam/Dean. Sam/OMCs implied.
Rating: NC-17
Words: 36,806
Summary: An AU crossover with The Devil Wears Prada. What if Sam were a little more…fabulous? Jess never died, John goes missing much later, and Dean. Well. He's in for quite a surprise.
Disclaimer: Only a product of my fevered imagination; all characters, situations, and real-life brands, products, and personages belong to their creators and/or themselves.
A/N: There are not enough thanks in the world for
joosetta, who spawned this insanity and held my sweaty hand every step of the way. For
stilettocamp, without which I would never have been motivated enough to finish this monstrosity. And of course to
sanyin, who is actually the world's greatest and most patient beta. To everyone who has encouraged me along the way? Don't forget: you asked for it. :/ Art, more in-depth notes, acknowledgements, and pictures at the end after the epilogue.
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |