Title: Whore Academy [Evil!Sammy Universe]
eboniorchidFandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester, OCs
Word Count: ~21,100 words.
Rating: NC-17 for language, sexuality, and violence.
Warnings/Spoilers: Angst! Dark! Future. Apocalypse. Manipulation. Dubious-con. Kink/BDSM. M/s. Public sex. Humiliation. Impact play. Roleplay. Orgasm control/denial. Blood (a little). Exhibitionism. Voyeurism. Service kink. Doubles. Threesome (Sam/Dean/Sam). Hurt/Comfort. Dirty talk. Amnesia!fic. Dream!fic. Graphic m/m sex. Violence. Mentions of past non-con. Wincest. Slash. Smut. Plot. Multi-chapter (complete). AU after "Simon Said". Potential vague spoilers up through "Simon Said".
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Really. Nothing.
Summary: Dean finds himself in a very strange school with gaps in his memory, a penchant for failing, and more Sams than he can feasibly handle.
Beta: Thanks be to L ♥,
orphan_project, and
Author's Notes: Dean is Dean, for a moment, and Sam is very nearly Sam, but he's also a psychotic prep school teacher who likes to straighten out bad boys with the width of his ruler and the length of his … yeah. Things start out light enough, but get darker as the story unfolds. // Additional notes at the end. // For more info about my
Evil!Sammy Universe, including links to all installments, please
go here.
Mr. Winchester leaned down some, close enough to make Sam sweat, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. "Sounds like your classmates think you need to reign in your boy, Sam."