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ash48 May 31 2011, 13:33:06 UTC
Name: Sarah
Age: Really? Umm.. as old as my tongue and a little old than my teeth?! (Damn! Just saying that makes me sound old../o\). My brain is 26.
How did you get into Supernatural?: You that moment when we first see grown up Sam in the pilot? I was in to it right then! Though by Faith I was well and truly hooked!
Hands down what is your favorite Hurt Sam episodes?: Oh boy. Home might be up there as a fav for hurt!Sam. Though When the Levee Breaks is amazing and Jump the Shark is a kind of guilty pleasure. Come on!! Sam tied to a table.... :D :D
Why do you like to Hurt/Read Hurt Jared & Sam?: I really only read hurt Sam or Jared if there's a Dean or Jensen around as well. I mostly love the dynamic of care and angst when one of the boys is in peril. I think I mostly prefer Sam being the hurt one because I love Dean being all protective. I do love both my boys equally. :)
Ok give us the inside scoop where do you find your delicious Hurt Jared & Sam fics?: My go to comms would be ohsam, bottom_sammy, abused_sammy and tag searches at spnstoryfinders. And of course the awesome writers on my flist!
Favorite of all time Hurt Jared & Sam fic?: Ack! Favourite!... wow... that's hard. Too many I love for different reasons. So many authors I love too...
Anything else you want to add about yourself?: Well, I mostly vid. That's when I'm not doing crazy stuff like setting up new communities. ;)

Hi! And welcome to the comm! We hope you enjoy it. <333

ETA: Seems I can't type properly tonight.


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