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Comments 164

cherry916 May 31 2011, 13:06:44 UTC
Name: Charity
Age: 18
How did you get into Supernatural?: Well I caught it mid-way through the pilot and watched it ever since!
Hands down what is your favorite Hurt Sam episodes?: My favorite Hurt Sam episodes hmmmmm that's a tough one I think overall my favorites are the ones where Dean is there being the protective/comforting big bro. Cause I can't get enough of those hurt/comfort moments
Why do you like to Hurt/Read Hurt Jared & Sam?: To tell you the truth I don't know I just always have probably since the pilot and more recently to Jared. I guess I have always done that with any character that was the vulnerable/younger one *g* now I'm like a hurricane and I just can't stop hehehe
Ok give us the inside scoop where do you find your delicious Hurt Jared & Sam fics?: Well a couple of places number one being my Delicious account I can save fics I loved and also search for new ones, number two being my flist if one of them posted a new fic or a community did I'll know, last it just knowing your favorite authors and knowing that sooner ( ... )


glimmerella May 31 2011, 15:33:39 UTC
I love both those authors. "Ambush" is a long hurt!boys buffet, isn't it? :)


cherry916 May 31 2011, 15:36:20 UTC
It most certainly is! Whenever I need my Hurt Sam fix I always go and read Ambush


sunnyzim May 31 2011, 13:11:29 UTC
Name: Tessa
Age: 24
How did you get into Supernatural?: My best friend (Wallflowergirl, who is also a writer in this fandom) recommended it to me, and then when I went to stay with her, she gave me seasons 1 to 5 and I devoured them in 2 weeks....;-D
Hands down what is your favorite Hurt Sam episode?: Heart - no contest!!
Why do you like to Hurt/Read Hurt Jared & Sam?: Because it's fun and I'm sadistic that way?! I love to see Sam all vulnerable and Dean being all protective of him - it gives me the warm fuzzies;-D Plus, it gives me a good reason to research all kinds of horrific ways to hurt him on the internet:_D
Ok give us the inside scoop where do you find your delicious Hurt Jared & Sam fics?: Generally through favourite authors of mine. I check out their favourites and so on and so forth. My favourite writer of all time though is Scullspeare - she's amazing!
Favorite of all time Hurt Jared & Sam fic?: Hmm. I don't think I have a favourite of all time, but I recently read "Three Wise Monkeys" by Scullspeare which was great fun!
... )


cherry916 May 31 2011, 13:15:51 UTC
Hello Tessa thanks for joining in on the meme

Heart definitely takes the cake for some emotionally Hurt Sam *g* I've heard of scullspeare and read a few stories by her but now I guess I better get my butt over there and read more :D

Now here's the part where I *nudge nudge* you into posting a link for that awesome story you mentioned in one of our themes :D


sunnyzim May 31 2011, 13:17:14 UTC
Yes!! I will most definitely go and post links for her stories - sorry, I probably should have linked it here but my brain is kind of mush from working on management plans all day:-P


cherry916 May 31 2011, 13:18:38 UTC
It's alright hehehe we encourage to post links in themes everyone's brains sort circuit some time or another


ash48 May 31 2011, 13:33:06 UTC
Name: Sarah
Age: Really? Umm.. as old as my tongue and a little old than my teeth?! (Damn! Just saying that makes me sound old../o\). My brain is 26.
How did you get into Supernatural?: You that moment when we first see grown up Sam in the pilot? I was in to it right then! Though by Faith I was well and truly hooked!
Hands down what is your favorite Hurt Sam episodes?: Oh boy. Home might be up there as a fav for hurt!Sam. Though When the Levee Breaks is amazing and Jump the Shark is a kind of guilty pleasure. Come on!! Sam tied to a table.... :D :D
Why do you like to Hurt/Read Hurt Jared & Sam?: I really only read hurt Sam or Jared if there's a Dean or Jensen around as well. I mostly love the dynamic of care and angst when one of the boys is in peril. I think I mostly prefer Sam being the hurt one because I love Dean being all protective. I do love both my boys equally. :)
Ok give us the inside scoop where do you find your delicious Hurt Jared & Sam fics?: My go to comms would be ohsam, bottom_sammy, abused_sammy and tag searches at spnstoryfinders. And of course the ( ... )


geckoholic May 31 2011, 13:34:24 UTC
Name: Katrin
Age: 29
How did you get into Supernatural?: Two friends on a board about another show kept gushing about it, I gave it a shot, and, well. The rest is history. ;)
Hands down what is your favorite Hurt Sam episodes?: Nightmare. Oh, Sam and his headaches and Dean right by his side and everything else was so simple... Good 'ol times.
Why do you like to Hurt/Read Hurt Jared & Sam?: I generally have a soft spot for SPN h/c. These boys hurt so prettily...
Ok give us the inside scoop where do you find your delicious Hurt Jared & Sam fics?: Mostly, through ohsam and the h/c authors whose work I keep an eye on.
Favorite of all time Hurt Jared & Sam fic?: Time Out by ratherastory (summary: Sam kind of maybe has a little meltdown after the events of "Simon Said," courtesy of an ill-timed migraine. Dean helps, because that's what big brothers are for.). S2, related to Sam's powers, descriptions of a headache that will make you wince in sympathy, and caring big bro Dean. Also, angsty Sam worrying about Dean in return. In conclusion: All I ever wanted ( ... )


ash48 May 31 2011, 13:40:10 UTC
*glomps* hey sweetie!!

Oh man... Nightmare! Of course. That's right up there as one of my favs.

Ooh and thanks for the fic rec. I discovered since opening this comm that there are SO MANY fics I've missed. :D

And what?! Boring...are you kidding me! *hugs* you and your talented self!

Thanks for popping in hun! <3


geckoholic May 31 2011, 15:55:26 UTC
*smish* ♥

I love it. Everyone hurts, and so angsty, and wheee! *gg*

You're welcome. I have to admit my delicious contains WAY more hurt!Dean than hurt!Sam, but Sam does get his share of whump in there as well. *gg* And I can't wait for all the shiny new h/c to read either! :D

You're sweet, BB. *huggles*


cherry916 May 31 2011, 14:08:14 UTC
Hello Katrin and thank you for joining in on the meme!

Psssh you're probably not boring I bet you're a bag full of laughs lolz

And yes! Time Out by ratherastory is also a favorite of mine too XD


si_star_x May 31 2011, 14:03:46 UTC
Name: Sianne
Age: 22
How did you get into Supernatural?: I caught 'what is and never should be' on television and then I was hooked. I found myself with two gorgeous men to start looking for fanfiction about, and I promptly discovered hurt/comfort. I was hooked.
Hands down what is your favorite Hurt Sam episodes?: I have to say that I am a sucker for puppy!Sam, and who can't resist him saying "I lost my shoe"?
Why do you like to Hurt/Read Hurt Jared & Sam?: He's adorable and it makes me want to hug him.
Ok give us the inside scoop where do you find your delicious Hurt Jared & Sam fics?: On ohsam and through classic google-search.
Favorite of all time Hurt Jared & Sam fic?: I'm a huge fan of rainylemons' Will You Serve 'verse. I am a sucker for leg injuries and permanent disability and this ticks all my boxes. ♥
Anything else you want to add about yourself?: I write more hurt!Dean than hurt!Sam, but Sam is too pretty and easy to damage.


cherry916 May 31 2011, 14:11:26 UTC
Hi Sianne!

No one can resist the puppy Sammy he's just so irresistible *cuddles*

I also LOVE your icon and so does Sammy *points to icon*


si_star_x May 31 2011, 14:15:21 UTC
Hey! *Waves* Glad to be part of the comm, always nice to get to meet new people who have familiar interests. I love the hell!Sam icon too; he's not my own but boy did that scene break my heart into a million pieces. <\3


cherry916 May 31 2011, 14:18:53 UTC
*waves back* Hell!Sam broke me into a million pieces too T___T If I ever recover it'll be a miracle lol


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