11.17 Links!

Apr 09, 2016 12:31

Thank you all so much for participating in the spn_littlebro recent Free for All! It was great fun and wonderful to see lots of stories from the episode.

For your convenience I have collected a list of all the links so if you missed any you can now check them out!

(Summaries where the author has provided them)

Cross by crowroad3
Summary: Keep it stocked. Live. (First aid fic)

11.17 Coda by themegalosaurus

Does of Home by brokenlittleboy
Summary: Takes place almost immediately after 'Red Meat.' Dean's worried about Sam. Sam's worried about Dean. Comforting ensues.

Alternative ending 11.17 by Semirah

The World was Built for Two by TiTivillus (aka twin_feathers)
Summary: Dean wasn't afraid of death. He wasn't even afraid of the 'Empty'. There was only one thing in the world he had ever really been afraid of.

Don't Fear the Reaper by TiTivillus
Summary: The gunshot cracked into the air as loud as thunder and Dean jerked back at the phantom pain that pierced his chest. "SAM!" he beckoned, lunging into action. Based on the promo of the upcoming episode 11x17.

Bullet Bruised by smalltrolven
Summary: Sometimes the smallest piece of metal can make everything better between them.

Saving Sam by lucifersprize.
Summary: What if the doctor was wrong about the reason that Sam survived? (NC17)

Follow Up Question by center_galaxy
Summary: Sam finds out what Dean did to try to save him. He's not pleased. *11x17 Red Meat Tag, trigger warning: discussion of suicide.

Wiping the Dirt from his Hands as he Walks from the Grave by caranfindel.
Summary: The sound of the gunshot is still echoing off the walls as he watches Corbin fall off to the side, almost in slow motion, revealing Sam behind him, and as Dean gasps for breath, all he can think is thank god, thank god, and he's not being the least bit ironic, because something powerful has to be responsible for this, for the fact that he's there, he's alive. Or... What we didn't see in Red Meat.

Breathe Again by leah_elisabeth
Summary: Missing scene from 11x17. Sam wakes up in the hospital and broments abound.

Blood Stains by madebyme_x
Summary: 11.17 Drabble fic. Sam's in hospital, but Dean's the one who needs to recover. A re-working of the closing scene (all dialogue taken from the episode).

Keep Holding On by dean_hugs_sammy
Summary: Missing scene from 11x17 - "Red Meat". Sam was not only still alive but had somehow managed to get himself to the medical clinic just in time to save Dean. Now Sam was the one who needed rescue before he bled to death for real.

There are still many wonderful prompts if anyone still has the urge to write something from that episode. :)

emergency rec, special

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