Whether you're looking for a certain hurt!Sam or hurt!Jared fic you didn't bookmark, or are just in the mood to surf through some recs to find something to satisfy a craving, Find-a-Fic is here to help!
~ Find-a-Fic ~
There are a number of ways to find fics rec'd at
spn_littlebro. You can always go to our main page on LJ and click on any theme that intrigues you (e.g. injury, illness, etc.) Then simply scroll the comments to see what's been rec'd in that theme. In addition, we archive hurt!Sam and hurt!Jared stories in 3 other places: AO3, FF.net, and Delicious. Each site has different search methods. This post will help you navigate each one to find just what you want!
✓ Click
AO3 to read tips on searching AO3.
✓ Click
FF to read tips on searching fanfiction.net.
✓ Click
delicious for tips and ★ Shortcuts ★ for searching delicious.
Does everyone know what
is? It represents AO3, which stands for ArchiveOfOurOwn - a multi-fandom fan-run archive of fanworks. You need a membership to post your creations there, but you don't have to be a member to *read* what's there! And what many people like most about AO3 is that it provides the opportunity to download the fic into various eReader formats for you. Whenever our mods or community members rec a fic that's available on AO3, we invite the author to add it to our SPN_littlebro collection there. (More information on that process is available
Want to look for our recs on AO3? It's easy! The link to our page on AO3 is ★
here ★ . That will bring you a screen like this:
Simply scroll to find whatever you like. If you'd like to see the entries sorted by something other than most recently posted, such as by author or by word count, just use the SORT and FILTER drop down to the right.
Below the SORT you can FILTER by other categories, such as FANDOMS (to distinguish between Supernatural, and Supernatural RPF). Beyond that, you can also search for other tags (such as hallucinations) too. Don't forget to click the [Sort and Filter] button at the top or bottom to execute the search. But unless the author identified those tags, you won't get a hit by searching for tags. After the search, you can always click the little X next to the requested tag to eliminate it and submit a new search.
Or select the TAGS link in the left side-bar to get a list of all the tags used in our SPN_littlebro collection on AO3 and then skim those to find whatever you're in the mood for!
(return to top) Fanfiction.net ...
(or return to top) As you probably know, we have a community on fanfiction.net too, for rec'd fics that have been posted there. If you want to find one of those, ★
this ★ is where to look. The resulting page will appear similar to this:
Your filtering options are limited (see the drop-downs just above the list of stories), but you can sort by date or word count or a few other options too. And if you have an account on ff.net you can click the FOLLOW icon just below "Spn-littlebro: A Hurt!Sam Community" to stay on top of all our updates!
(return to top) delicious
(or return to top) The collections at AO3 and ff.net have many of the fics rec'd at
spn_littlebro. But the only place that has *all* our recs is our archive of hurt!Sam and hurt!Jared on
delicious. Sad to say, the change of ownership of delicious has lost some of the search capabilities that we enjoyed when we first built the archive. But we've created what we hope is as easy Cheat Sheet, with Shortcuts to help you look.
For starters, if you simply want to go to our archive, you can click ★
here ★ and you'll see something like this:
Given that we have nearly 1000 (yes: closing in on ONE THOUSAND) links, you might want to narrow that down. That's where this cheat sheet comes into play. Click on any of the following links to get a list of entries filtered by that. (Note: it may take a while to load, but that's because we have so many wonderful recs to search through!)
★ Shortcuts: authors and other media ★
If you're looking for a specific author, follow this example. If you wanted, say, to know which fics by
ratherastory have been rec'd at
spn_littlebro, click the link for
authors N-R. On the right, you'll see a section called Tags in Bundle that lists all the authors in our archive N thru R.
Use the scrollbar to find
ratherastory, and click on her name when you find it. Wait a moment, and you should see the page refresh with just her rec'd stories.
★ Shortcuts: Types of hurt ★
here On the other hand, if you just want to scroll thru all the types of hurt available, click the types of hurt link above and you'll see this on the right side of the page:
Scroll to find amnesia or intubation or permanent.injury or slavery or wings or whatever strikes your fancy, click, and wait for the page to refresh with the results.
★ Shortcuts: SPN or RPF, gen/slash/het, word count ★
And if you just want to search by SPN or RPF, gen/slash/het and maybe word count, just pick the link from this table. (Some of the links may find zero matching fic recs if there are none that fit the criteria, but that can always change as more recs come in.)
wc 1-5K
wc 5-10K
wc 10-20K
wc 20K+
wc: any
SPN gen
go here go here go here go here go here SPN het
go here go here go here go here go here SPN slash
go here go here go here go here go here RPF AU gen
go here go here go here go here go here RPF AU het
go here go here go here go here go here RPF AU slash
go here go here go here go here go here RPF non-AU gen
go here go here go here go here go here RPF non-AU het
go here go here go here go here go here RPF non-AU slash
go here go here go here go here go here The slash entries are likely to be Sam/Dean or Jared/Jensen, but they could be any pairing.
★ Shortcuts: other pairings ★
here If you want a specific pairing and don't want to skim through the results of a search from the chart, you can go to the link above for other pairings, and then click the desired combo under Tags in Bundle.
Finally, now you've found one or more potential stories to read, but want to know more about them first? Take a look at these samples (taken from a search for
It gives you the title, the link, how many other people have bookmarked it in delicious ("saves") and the summary provided by the author. Below that, for each story, you can see which theme it was rec'd under, whether SPN or RPS, gen or pairing, and the type(s) of hurt identified by the reccer! Word count, what season the story was set in... whatever details we could find in the rec post. Useful to know, no?
Hope this helps you more easily find some of the oh-so-satisfying hurt!Sam and hurt!Jared works we've collected in our archives!
To find this post any time, just look for the Find-a-Fic tag on the sidebar of our
spn_littlebro home page!
And if you find any entries in delicious that we need to correct, please leave us a comment
here and we'll take care of it. Thanks!
(return to top)