Hiatus friending meme!

Aug 02, 2012 20:28

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ash48 August 2 2012, 13:32:20 UTC
When did you become a SPN fan: I feel like I have been a fan since forever. I joined LJ in 2006 (man!)
Do you have a preference of gen, het, slash stories: I love slash and gen equally. I also discovered the joy of J2 a few years ago.
Spoilerphobe? Yes! (except at the moment! I need S8 spoilers...!)
What kind of hurt!Sam would you like to see in S8: Any hurt!Sam would suit me just fine. But I'd love to see his mental condition re-visited (surely lucifer didn't go away that easily?!) and any Sam in peril makes me a happy fangirl.
If the internet was to disappear today and you only had the chance to save one fan fiction (or one author), which (who) would it be? This is so tough because there would be so many fics and authors I would like to take with me. I'd probably kidnap zuben_eschamali (and easily another 20 authors on my flist!) and the fic would probably be feather_touch's Branded Yours. ::koff::I have a bit of a slave and D/s kink...(as long as it's loving) ;D
All time favorite episode: What is and What Should Never Be
Anything else you want to share? I love my show, I love the boys and I really enjoy fandom. I vid mostly (well, when I have the time) and write meta occasionally and continue to try and improve my graphic skills. :)) I suppose I'm a sam!girl but I adore Dean beyond words. He's an amazing character. Basically - they belong together. There's no Sam without Dean and visa versa. :)


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ash48 August 2 2012, 15:14:15 UTC
Yeah - I was glad he was "fixed" but felt a little unsatisfied with they way he was fixed. I could accept that Cas took them away but there was a suggestion that he could still remember the cage, but that was never revisited and it wasn't a permanent fic.

Lucifer was annoying but there wasn't anything "hellish" about having hallucinations of a mischievous fallen angel singing Stairway to Heaven in your ear!

Yeah.. that was tricky. In the beginning there were some sinister comments (bunk buddy, rapier wit etc...) that suggested a very dark time for Sam, but they never really played out. I think mostly because they couldn't show that on TV, so they had to go with Lu trying to drive Sam out of him mind. My question is... why? Lucifer (and if it was a hallucination then Sam) wanted to kill Sam by keeping him awake - but to what end?! (hee... I don't expect answers, I just think there was a lot unanswered with that story line).

I'd love to see them play with is more, but I fear they'll move on now...


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ash48 August 2 2012, 15:49:33 UTC
Yeah.... I've never figured out the lucifer thing (not sure the show did either). I really wanted to believe that he was somehow real There were suggestions that he existed outside of Sam's hallucinations, which could have meant he had some how escaped from the cage - but they didn't see that through...:((

The nature of Sam's hallucinations are interesting in that maybe he only wanted to think of Lucifer has "singing" and "reading" and taunting him rather than what actually happened to him....hmmm....Sam's mind might have been protecting him from the actual horrors...

Ack! I dunno. I keep grasping....


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ash48 August 3 2012, 02:52:50 UTC
I am on Tumblr, but I very rarely post very. I tried to get with it a while back but failed miserably. ;)

I'm here:


If I don't already follow you let me know. I do scroll through Tumblr whenever I get the chance.



cassiopeia7 August 3 2012, 10:13:19 UTC
But I'd love to see his mental condition re-visited (surely lucifer didn't go away that easily?!)

Oh, this, exactly. Sam has taken a LOT of psychological damage in S6-7 that must have had some lasting effect. Not to mention the acute damage he must've taken when Edgar hit him with that crowbar. Boy was seizing, for crying out loud. Yet a week later, he was fine.

There's no Sam without Dean and visa versa. :)

*standing ovation*

. . . aww, too bad I can't friend you twice! ;)


ash48 August 3 2012, 12:03:23 UTC
aww, too bad I can't friend you twice! ;)

ha! *hugs* :D


gateslacker August 5 2012, 17:56:50 UTC
Oh my gosh! I read your post and thought, "I wonder if this is the same Ash who did those Supernatural At the Movies Vids?" They are AWESOME!! As a former vid maker, I have even linked to their awesomeness in my own journal. So I looked and was shocked to realize that you've made way more vids than that.

(And now that anonymity is gone, I need to ask if it is okay that I linked your vids in my journal?)

I see where my afternoon is headed. Darn it. I needed to finish the laundry!!


ash48 August 6 2012, 09:13:42 UTC
Oh hey! Hee... that's kinda cool. Well, awesome actually... thank you. (and of course it's ok. *g*

And yep... I have made a few vids since then, though I've slowed down recently. Just not enough time at the moment. But I do love doing it.

Oh and a former vid maker? SPN? Or another fandom?

Nice to meet you. :)


gateslacker August 6 2012, 23:39:37 UTC
Nice to meet you, too!

It is so much fun but definitely a time suck. I made vids when I was involved in Stargate fandom several years ago, but then work plus heading back to grad school took over and I just was never able to get back into it.

Too many obstacles, both perceived and real.

One of which is that vid editing has come a long way. I am amazed at what I see folks do now! I'd have to do some massive updating of my system, for sure.

Plus, there'd be no time for reading all the fanfic, playing on here, and watching other folks vids, watching the episodes over and over and over...LOL!


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