Hiatus friending meme!

Aug 02, 2012 20:28

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tattooeddevil August 2 2012, 13:03:00 UTC
When did you become a SPN fan: For me, from the start of the series. For the US, about S02 I think, because my country didn't air the show until the US was in its second season :P (curios me is curios: does someone know exactly when the Netherlands started airing the show...?)
Do you have a preference of gen, het, slash stories: I love reading slash and gen, but I write mostly gen. There's something about exploring the taboos and awkward issues within a sibling relationship without the option of using sexual acts as a way of making up or distracting.
Spoilerphobe? Yes. Not leading up to a new season, but from episode to episode, yes.
What kind of hurt!Sam would you like to see in S8: I would love to see some what was meant by "he'll be back on his feet at least". I strongly believe Cas taking Sam's crazy wasn't some kind of magical cure and Sam has to face his memories at some point. Maybe even the crazy comes back in some other form? Psychologically!hurt!Sam it is :)
If the internet was to disappear today and you only had the chance ( ... )


ash48 August 2 2012, 14:28:15 UTC
Oooh... are you from the Netherlands?! Where? ... not that I know many places, but I lived in Amsterdam for 2 years. And I got married there, so it holds a very special place for me.

Is SPN still airing there?


tattooeddevil August 2 2012, 14:38:53 UTC
I am, yes :) The city I live in is called Amersfoort, it's about 50km from Amsterdam. I did go to college in Amsterdam, so I know it well :) Wow, you got married here? Where did you have the ceremony?

SPN isn't being aired at the moment, they aired S05 up until about 3 months ago, I think? Nothing passed S05 though and no news on it, so I try and catch it via the internet... *pout*


ash48 August 2 2012, 15:00:51 UTC
Oh yes... I know Amersfoot. We visited there and ate poffertjes (which I think I did any where I went in Holland because I LOVE them!).

We got married in the Stopera in Amsterdam. We had a civil service (in dutch!). My hubby is English and I'm Australian.... we got married there before we moved to Australia. (I never could speak Dutch though.... except for a few words....)

And in Aus they were airing the show about a week after it aired in the US. (even then I couldn't wait. I have to dl and watching as soon as I can!).

Hee... we have to friend...<3


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gateslacker August 5 2012, 17:59:31 UTC
I want to be a spoilerphobe but when I see a spoiler warning, all self control goes flying out the window - I'm like, "GIMME that spoiler!!" lol!

Yep! I know that feeling!!


ash48 August 2 2012, 13:32:20 UTC
When did you become a SPN fan: I feel like I have been a fan since forever. I joined LJ in 2006 (man!)
Do you have a preference of gen, het, slash stories: I love slash and gen equally. I also discovered the joy of J2 a few years ago.
Spoilerphobe? Yes! (except at the moment! I need S8 spoilers...!)
What kind of hurt!Sam would you like to see in S8: Any hurt!Sam would suit me just fine. But I'd love to see his mental condition re-visited (surely lucifer didn't go away that easily?!) and any Sam in peril makes me a happy fangirl.
If the internet was to disappear today and you only had the chance to save one fan fiction (or one author), which (who) would it be? This is so tough because there would be so many fics and authors I would like to take with me. I'd probably kidnap zuben_eschamali (and easily another 20 authors on my flist!) and the fic would probably be feather_touch's Branded Yours. ::koff::I have a bit of a slave and D/s kink...(as long as it's loving) ;D
All time favorite episode: What is and What Should Never Be
Anything else you want to ( ... )


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ash48 August 2 2012, 15:14:15 UTC
Yeah - I was glad he was "fixed" but felt a little unsatisfied with they way he was fixed. I could accept that Cas took them away but there was a suggestion that he could still remember the cage, but that was never revisited and it wasn't a permanent fic.

Lucifer was annoying but there wasn't anything "hellish" about having hallucinations of a mischievous fallen angel singing Stairway to Heaven in your ear!

Yeah.. that was tricky. In the beginning there were some sinister comments (bunk buddy, rapier wit etc...) that suggested a very dark time for Sam, but they never really played out. I think mostly because they couldn't show that on TV, so they had to go with Lu trying to drive Sam out of him mind. My question is... why? Lucifer (and if it was a hallucination then Sam) wanted to kill Sam by keeping him awake - but to what end?! (hee... I don't expect answers, I just think there was a lot unanswered with that story line).

I'd love to see them play with is more, but I fear they'll move on now...


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harrigan August 2 2012, 13:55:09 UTC
When did you become a SPN fan: Season 1! Not right away, but midway thru Season 1 (Christmas week) they ran a marathon and hooked me.
Do you have a preference of gen, het, slash stories: SPN gen (or het!) and primarily non-AU (but there are a few exceptions to both). And I'm a fan of well-written RPF/RPS too -- but pretty much only J2AU.
Spoilerphobe? I was up til season 8. Now -- *general* spoilers are fine.
What kind of hurt!Sam would you like to see in S8: Some physical hurt that isn't all better the next episode! (I loved the broken wrist--but the writers would never have done that if they didn't have to. I wanted Dean's broken leg to last longer. When they do wounds that aren't healed by the next episode, I ♥ that! I don't want the injury to completely incapacitate Sam, but make it harder for him to function for a week or two and I'll be a happy puddle of glee!)
If the internet were to disappear today and you only had the chance to save one fan fiction (or one author), which (who) would it be? That's a tough one. But I'm ( ... )


ash48 August 2 2012, 15:41:25 UTC
I'd say "let's friend".. but we already are... so yay!

I wanted Dean's broken leg to last longer.

Oh me too! What a waste that was. They could have made brilliant use of Dean having to hunt in a cast - even if only for one episode. (or show him being totally frustrated because he couldn't be out there helping Sam). I know I carry on about hurt!Sam but I love either boy being hurt - mostly because I love seeing the other one care and worry about the other.

I'm more active in spn_littlebro because I think there's a lot more good hurt!Dean out there and I wanted to see more hurt!Sam to even things up!

*hugs you hard* I love me some hurt!Dean too (not least because I also adore capable, awesome little!bro, caring-for-Dean Sam). Thank you for wanting to even things up! <3333


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kazluvsbooks August 3 2012, 00:07:03 UTC
Where can i find these authors stories? Pwease?


purplehrdwonder August 2 2012, 14:37:17 UTC
When did you become a SPN fan: In December 2010. I watched 115 episodes in ten days, catching up a day or two after winter hellatus started.
Do you have a preference of gen, het, slash stories: I prefer gen, pretty much only write it (even my pairing fics turn out more gen than not), but don't mind reading slash. Het is fairly limited in this fandom, but if it's well-written... *grabby hands*
Spoilerphobe? Absolutely not. Gimme spoilers! There are some shows I don't want to be spoiled for; SPN is not one of them.
What kind of hurt!Sam would you like to see in S8: Cas said he was only getting Sam back on his feet, so I'd like to see what happens when that isn't working so well anymore. And/or the return of Sam's powers.
If the internet was to disappear today and you only had the chance to save one fan fiction (or one author), which (who) would it be? Uh, huh, there are two many. But if I had to pick, I'd say K Hanna Korossy over on FF.N. I love the way she writes the boys.
All time favorite episode: Point of No Return
Anything else you ( ... )


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purplehrdwonder August 2 2012, 15:01:41 UTC
Ha, love it! I had a bunch of time to kill at the end of my first semester of grad school; I'd turned in a final project and didn't have an exam until the very end of finals week so was looking for something to do. Started Show and ended up doing nothing but going to work, going to class, sleeping, and watching SPN during that time :p Yeah, I was slightly addicted.


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