Title: Old Bones Upon the Mountain Shake (Part 2)
Characters: Dean, Sam (kind of)
Genre: H/C, AU, Angst-like-crazy
Word Count: 3000
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Upto Season 5.
Warnings: Graphic violence, zombies, language.
Disclaimer: Yeah, wish I owned this. But I don't. Damn, Erick Kripke.
Series Summary: The apocalypse happened and the world is run over with zombies. A rather Undead Dean Winchester finds himself on the road. The world looks broken, and he thinks he's meant to be fixing it (maybe even suspects he was the one to break it), but first he has to put together the pieces of what happened to him-- and his brother. This is his journey.
Chapter Summary: Where Dean hates on dead rabbits, walks through a creepy town and gets an invisible friend. Oh, and Sammy makes a cameo appearance.
A/N: Opening chapters may be a wee bit confusing, but please stick with me and it'll make sense. Hopefully.
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