Title: Fallen Into Chaos
kidarania_nika on LJ,
Anihan on Ao3
Rating: Mature, not graphic
Genre: M/M, Other
Pairing: Lucifer/Gabriel/Michael (incorporeal), Loki/Gabriel (explicit but not graphic), vague allusions to Sigyn/Loki/Gabriel
Spoilers: S5, takes place pre-canon
POV: First person while incorporeal, third person while in a vessel.
Word Count: 2326+
Warnings/Spoilers for the fic: (
skip) Non-explicit genocide (the Nephilim, Chapter 2), murder (chapter 5), thoughts of suicide (hinted at), canon vices.
Summary: Begins with Gabriel in Heaven with the other archangels, and continues onto Earth after he flees.
Here on Ao3 Warnings are not given past Chapter 5 as it is not yet written. This post may or may not be updated when it is. I may make this (chapters 1 through 5) part one of a three part series leading up to the Gabriel seen in Tall Tales.
Dunno if I am doing this correctly but... May I get a Lucifer/Gabriel/Michael and/or a Loki/Gabriel tag?