Monthly Recommendations

Jul 29, 2011 12:01

Hello Fellow Appreciators of Dean!

Thank you to all of the authors and artists that allowed us to include your work in our Monthly Recommendations - You guys are astoundingly awesome!

Do you have a favorite piece of fanwork involving the incomparable Dean Winchester? Please PM one of your friendly neighborhood mods or leave us a comment. Just let us know: what it is, who it’s by, and why you like it!

Comments Are Love - If You Like Something, Please Comment And Tell The Author Or Artist!


Title: Did You See A Red Sky
Presented by: Round About
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Cas
Characters: Dean, Castiel
Pages: 18 pages of reading, 21 pages total (doujinshi fan art book)
Rating: R-15
Note: Please support the artist by buying a copy.
Scanner: feikoi  
Translator: focaccina
Editor/Typesetting: lotroth

***Gym Teacher!Dean... need I say more?***
Picspams (and other graphics)
Artist: ifrenchfriez @ wayward_graphic

"Something Colorful"
Artist: leyla_lovely
Rating: G

Artist: shichiloaf
Title: Sugar We're Going Down Swingin'
Type: Fanmix
Mod Note: Has an 'A' side (Cock It and Pull It) and 'B' side (Loaded Gun Complex). Nice mixture of instrumental and contemporary music.


Title: Librarians Do It By the Book
Author: epicycles
Fandom: Supernatural
Genre: goofy, fluffy humor, with some snogging
Pairing(s): Dean/Gabriel, Sam/Castiel, implied OT4.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~1500
Notes: See above. In my head this is set in entangled_now 's Team Free Love OT4 verse, which occurs in a vaguely AU post-S5. Very fluffy. Anyway, this is for xarixian , for her very kind beta-ing of an original thing for me back in May. She asked for a Dean/Gabriel ficlet, morganoconner provided the prompt "library", and zekkass gets glasses!Gabriel because I agree with her that it is hot. So blame them.
Summary: Library shenanigans.

**I'm not much of an 'OT4, OT3 or the more, ahem, adventurous type of kink - but I read this one and thought it was pretty cute... for something entirely out of my own element - Mizra**

Want us to recommend something you've not seen here (and needs a spotlight)? Just PM a mod and give us the quick info on the artwork, video, fanfiction, fanmix, songfic, whatever else! Thank you to all the lovely artists and writes out there! You guys are amazing!


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