Official Community F.A.Q.

Sep 27, 2010 20:04

For more clarification on the rules for this community please feel free to peruse this post. If you find that you have a question that isn't answered below then please either pose your question here or feel free to contact me directly. Thank you!

Community F.A.Q.

1. I just joined the community. When can I begin participating in the challenges/prompts?

You can begin participating immediately.

2. Is there a time limit on when a response is due?

No. There is no official due date for responses to be posted to the community. All challenges/prompts can be answered at any time.

3. I'm working on a response to the present challenge/prompt, but it won't be completed by the end of the week. What do I do?

You may post your response at anytime even if a new challenge/prompt has already been issued.

4. Do I have to use the challenge/prompt in my works?

No. You do not have to include the exact prompt in your works unless you so choose. The challenges are designed to trigger your creative muses and nothing more.

5. Do I have to post a response to every challenge/prompt issued or can I choose which ones I'd like to respond to?

It is not necessary for members to reply to every challenge listed as not all prompts will appeal to everybody.

6. Okay I've completed a challenge response now what do I do?

Once a challenge response is completed you may post the work(s) to the community for all to view, read and enjoy. Please follow these rules when posting a specific type of response:

** If you are posting fic: all posts must contain fic or links to fic. Please do not link to locked entries. If you include your fic in the body of a post please be sure to place it behind a LiveJournal cut tag.

** If you are posting art: please place artwork behind an LJ cut. If you would like to post a teaser or small thumbnails they are permitted outside of the LJ cut as long as you limit them to approximately 2 to 4.

** If you are posting vids: you may either embed the video into your post or provide a direct link to it.

For each of your challenge responses please make a separate post to the community using the form below. Fill out all applicable areas and feel free to add others.


7. Can I respond to older challenges/prompts?

Yes. Anyone can post a response to any challenge at any time.

8. Can I suggest a challenge/prompt of my own?

If you would like to submit a prompt then please wait for the last Wednesday of each month when a "Collaboration Day" will be underway. Here is where you can suggest new prompts to the community. If you would like to suggest a prompt now instead of waiting until then please contact me DIRECTLY, and I will try to include it. If your prompt/challenge suggestion is used proper credit will be given to you in the official challenge post it's selected for.

Please be aware that submitting a prompt/challenge suggestion does not mean it will be included immediately. Thank you!

9. Can I submit one of my own pictures for future image challenges?

Yes you may. If you have some pictures you think would make good challenges then please either send them to me in an e-mail or join spn cues at Flickr and post directly there. Please include your name so that proper credit can be given if your picture(s) are chosen for a challenge.

If you are interested in joining the Flickr community then please feel free to do so at any time, please note that you do not have to if you don't want to. Thank you!

10. I'm confused by some of the tags. Why do some seem a bit repetitive?

I have been working on trying to create the best way to categorize all challenges that will be posted to this community. Once people start submitting their works new tags for author, artist, vidder as well as characters, pairings and genres will need to be added to keep the community organized and easier to peruse. Some new tags have been created and some eliminated or re-named, while other tags have been broken into separate categories. Creating new tags and deciding which ones would be best to use will be an on-going process.

If you see a tag that you're confused about please ask for further clarification at the official community tags post here. If there is a tag you think needs to be added or changed then please follow this same link to make your request/inquiry. Thank you!

11. I'm confused. There seem to be a lot of challenges. What are they, and what can I expect to see posted on those specific days?

As many of you may have noticed there are now multiple challenge days created for the community. My goal for this community is to offer a little something for everyone so that anyone who comes here can gain something from it even if they just read through the challenges/prompts. As a result multiple challenge days have been added to the community. For a complete breakdown of each specific day and a description of what you may see on those days please refer to this post. Thank you!

admin, general: faq

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