Round 9 Posting Info!

Oct 16, 2018 08:48

OK, creators, we are just a few weeks from seeing the first posts of this Round! So here comes all you need to know about posting ...

For fic:
♦ Completed fics must be, at minimum, 1000 words in length.

For art (excluding videos):
♦ Completed art must consist of, at minimum, one image with a size of 400x400 pixels.

For videos:
♦ Upload your sample to a hosting site such as Google Drive (or whatever you're comfortable using) and include a link in your post to view/download it.
♦ Completed videos must be, at minimum, one minute in length.

For podfics:
♦ Upload your sample to a hosting site such as Google Drive (or whatever you're comfortable using) and include a link in your post to view/download it.
♦ Completed podfics must be, at minimum, 1000 words.

For fanmixes:
♦ Upload your fanmix to a hosting site such as Google Drive (or whatever you're comfortable using) and include a link in your post to view/download it. ♦ Include a list of the songs currently on there.
♦ Completed fanmixes must be, at minimum, 10 songs in length and must include a cover that's at least 400x400 pixels in size.

Fanworks should not be posted anywhere else before your posting date. Please do not post your fanwork directly to this community - first post it to your LJ/tumblr/AO3/etc., then cross-post here. To post an entry here you must be a member of the community; if you're not a member already, please join now!

Other quick rules:
1) If you are working in collaboration, you should post the efforts together in one post by linking to the various media. If for some reason, you must post separately, that is okay, but it would be best for the collaboration to be seen together by the comm.
2) When posting art/visuals, feel free to include a preview in your cross-post to entice us to follow the link back to your full art post. Note: Images posted outside of a cut should not exceed 400x400 pixels.
3) When posting a podfic or a fanmix for/based on a fic, please include the author's name and a link to the original fic itself.


For fic/art:
Author or Artist:
Movie Prompt:
Word Count or Media:

For videos:
Movie Prompt:
Run Time:

For podmix/fanmix:
Original Fic:
Movie Prompt:

Other questions/concerns? Email us or comment here!

HAPPY POSTING! *confetti*

Quick Links: Posting Schedule | Round 9 Drafts Info | Beta Sign-up Post | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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