October 1st and we're getting closer to November posting for this round! How's everyone doing?
Drafts are due Monday, October 15 by 11:59pm in your corner of the world. Just as in the past, we're welcoming drafts as early as you like and all are accepted up until the end of October 15 to the cinema_mod's email. All other information is below the cut. Please read carefully! If you have further questions, you may comment to this post or email us: spncinema.mod @ gmail . com (without spaces).
For fic:
♦ Drafts must be at least 750 words in length.
♦ There should be some construction of your story, whether this is a fully finished story, an outline, or something in between. We promise we are not tough about this; we just want to see some thought/movement on the process.
♦ Attach your fic as either a .PDF, .DOC, .TXT, or .RTF - if you submit in a different format we'll ask that you reformat it to one of the approved.
♦ Completed fics must be, at minimum, 1000 words in length.
For art (excluding videos):
♦ Drafts must be at least a sketch or in-progress piece.
♦ Just like with fics, it could be a very basic outline construction, fully completed, or somewhere in between.
♦ Attach your art either as a .PNG or .JPG; if you have multiple pieces, you can put them in a .ZIP file if you prefer. For draft submission, you only have to show one piece of art.
♦ Completed art must consist of, at minimum, one image with a size of 400x400 pixels.
For videos:
♦ Drafts must be at least twenty seconds in length (not including placeholders).
♦ Upload your sample to a hosting site such as
mediafire or
minus and send us a link to download it.
♦ Completed videos must be, at a minimum, one minute in length.
For podfics:
♦ Drafts must cover at least 750 words of the story you are recording.
♦ Upload your sample to a hosting site such as
mediafire or
minus and send us a link to download it.
♦ Completed podfics must be, at a minimum, 1,000 words.
♦ If you're collaborating with an author and the fic is not done, feel free to record a rough version of the current draft. All we want to see is that you are both working towards some process.
For fanmixes:
♦ Drafts must consist of at least five songs.
♦ Upload your draft to a hosting site such as
mediafire or
minus and send us a link to download it. Please also include a list of the songs currently on there.
♦ Completed fanmixes must be, at a minimum, 10 songs in length and must include a cover that is at least 400x400 pixels in size.
Send your draft to spncinema.mod @ gmail . com (without spaces) along with the following information:
Movie Prompt:
Fic: (this is only needed for people doing podfics or fanmixes of already written fic; please include a link to the fic)
Length: (current, or final if possible; fic/vids/podfics only)
If you're working in collaboration, you can submit in one email detailing the partnership and attaching/linking to both drafts. You may also submit your items separately, whichever works best for you.
We'll reply to submissions within 24 hours with a confirmation that we've received the draft. If you do not get a reply after that time, please resend.
If you have any additional questions after reading all this, ask us in this post or via email and we'll answer them ASAP. Otherwise, good luck finishing your fanworks! :D
Note: There will be no extensions if you can't make the draft deadline. We're sorry about that, but otherwise there'd be far too many individuals to track.
Quick Links:
Posting Schedule |
Round 9 Drafts Info |
Beta Sign-up Post |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)