Title: Insects Author: reggie11 Genre: SPN gen, fluff, and a smidge of angst Characters: Sam, Dean, and John WC: 2230 Summary: Sammy is upset, Dean is puzzled, and John is out of his depth.
Title: No Ordinary Boys. Author: kc246 Summary: Mary and John Winchester are foster parents, who take in brothers Dean and Sam. Two abused and neglected boys that end up changing the Winchesters lives forever Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Child abuse and Non-con.
Title : Sammy the 'Words' Smith Author: dollysdoodles Beta Reader: lolaann1...oh your are a life saver! Chracters: teen!winchesters...Well sam is almost a teenager Rating: G words:462 Summary: {Sam is obsessed with a dictionary, Dean is pissed and planning to salt and burn the said dictionary.} Disclaimer: Don't own them, wish I did but alas!.
Title: No Ordinary Boys. Author: kc246 Summary: Mary and John Winchester are foster parents, who take in brothers Dean and Sam. Two abused and neglected boys that end up changing the Winchesters lives forever Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Child abuse and Non-con.
Title: All That Matters Rating: PG Genre: Gen Word Count: 10,318
Summary: When Dean is badly injured on his first hunt, Sam steps up to take care of him and realizes that being a big brother is a lot harder than it seems.
Author’s Note: Pre-series - the boys are 9 and 13. Written for pod_together and read by the fabulous l_niania. The podfic, along with the story text, is
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Title: Word Games: A Wee!chester series Author: kelzm1989 Pairings: none Rating: G Category: Gen Word Count: 12045 Spoilers: none Summary: This is a series of one-shots showcasing Sam and Dean enjoying "normal" moments with either each other or their parents. Hope you all enjoy it!http://