Title: What's the Story Morning Glory?
theympPrompt: a special challenge to celebrate the news of the Ackles twins. Two characters. A story involving doubles/two of something/double trouble/twins/pairs/duplicates/ etc. SPN100 Challenge: wood
Genre: Humour
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester
Pairing: none
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 200
Warning/Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.
Summary: Sam's surprised to see Dean home early
A/N: Two challenges for the price of one!.
Woken by the sound of the door opening, Sam lifted his head from his pillow and blinked in surprise as Dean staggered into their motel room and collapsed onto his own bed with a loud groan.
"I thought you were off partying with those redhead cheerleader twins you picked up earlier?" asked Sam, confused to be seeing his brother before midday.
"I was," moaned Dean, his voice heavy and tinged with emotional pain.
Puzzled, and a little concerned, Sam sat up. "Didn't you have a good time?"
Dean raised his head. "Hell, yeah!" he declared. "Talk about giving a new meaning to 'pep'; the things they-"
"-okay!" Sam interrupted, hurriedly. "So, why didn't you stay longer?" He paused while he considered his own current dry spell. "I would," he added, failing to keep a note of jealously from his voice.
"Wood?" Dean groaned. "I tell ya, after three bars, who knows how many shots, and goin' a couple of rounds with those two, there's no way there was gonna be any more 'wood'." He sighed. "I might be getting old, but I do have my dignity, y'know."
"If you say so," Sam chuckled, rolling over and going back to sleep.