DEW: Mine's kind of already been done (again...) but I'll post anyway

Jul 19, 2015 10:56

TITLE: Filling an Empty Nest
CHARACTERS: Lisa, tangential Ben
WARNINGS: Mild cursing. Bittersweet. Set in the future? Maybe? (How old is Ben actually? *shrug*)
SPOILERS: Up until the very last Lisa episode.
WORDS: 100

When Ben left for college, he told her she should buy a puppy, so she wouldn’t be lonely, but after sobbing through an ASPCA ad, she went to the local shelter.

It had never occurred to Lisa they had more than cats and dogs until she was staring at a parrot.

“He’s an absolute darling,” a volunteer explained as the bird nuzzled her palm, “but it’s a big commitment, and-”

“Son of a bitch!” the parrot announced.

“His name is-”

“Dean.” She wasn’t entirely sure why that name fit so perfectly, but it did. “I’m going to call him Dean.”

drabble, fic: gen, dew, rating: pg, lisa, ben, author:zelda_adict

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