Dew: Of Witches and Chickens

Jul 19, 2015 01:30

Rating: PG
Genre: Humour
Characters: Dean, Lisa
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, this is for fun!
Summary: Dean falls fowl of a witch (sorry!)

Lisa yawned as she climbed out of bed; she left Dean snoring peacefully, as he’d got home around 3.30am, muttering about hating skeevy witches.

She opened the bedroom door, frowning at the sound of clucking coming from downstairs - perhaps Dean had left the TV on.

Halfway down the stairs, she saw a carpet of chickens covering the hallway and, by the sound and smell, the bottom half of the house.

Lisa ran back upstairs, throwing open the bedroom door.

“Dean! How many times have I told you not to bring your work home with you?”

“Friggin’ witches.” Dean grumbled.

drabble, fic: gen, dew, rating: pg, lisa, author:jj1564, dean

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