4th Annual Spring Fic Exchange: Posting Schedule and Guidelines

Jun 01, 2015 20:46

banner by dizzojay

Well, we were supposed to start posting today, but we are all running a bit behind, even your beloved mods. So the posting has been pushed back to start next Monday, June 8th.

Based on the feedback received from most of you (for which I’m grateful), this is the posting scheduled developed. I did my best to accommodate everyone's requests.

However, I still need everyone to check-in, both authors and artists to make sure you know that you have seen and acknowledge your posting date(s). In the comments, please acknowledge that you have noted your posting date and if your story and art will be ready to post on that day.  If you have problems with where you are on the schedule, please let me know now!  We will work with you.  On that subject, if you feel you'll be ready to post before your scheduled posting date, let me know that as well - that will help me in shifting the schedule if need be. I am hoping that because many of you checked in before the scheduled was developed, there will be minimal need to re-arrange the schedule.

A few other notes:

A)    If your recipient has dropped out of the fic exchange, you will be gifting your fic to spn_bigpretzel, and that is noted in the posting schedule below

B) I have a pinch hitter that has just joined the clubfireheart13 (YAY--Thank you!!!). I will be looking for an artist shortly, after giving fireheart13 time to write a offer a potential artist something to work with, but if there is any interest, go ahead a PM me or fireheart13 now.

C) Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you artists who picked up two or three stories--YOU ROCK!! And Welcome to all of the new artists who signed up this year--thank you for helping us out as well. We are nice and don't bite, I promise.We are a pretty fun bunch and we hope you enjoy it here.

And now to the schedule:

June 8th: mamapranayama writing for peppermint_wow with art by dizzojay

June 9th: peppermint_wow writing for thursdaysisters with art by mamapranayama

June 10th: candygramme writing for cuddyclothes with art by just_ruth

June 11th: antrazi writing for kcscribbler with art by carpecaseum

June 12th: patriciatepes writing for jennytork with art by patriciatepes

June 15th thursdaysisters writing for blackrabbit42 with art by amberdreams

June 16th: eliviralikespie writing for sameuspegasus with art by just_ruth

June 17th: kcscribbler writing for spn_bigpretzel with art by just_ruth

zelda_addict writing for absenthe_wrae with art by amberdreams

June 18th: absenthe_wrae writing for eliviralikespie with art by mamapranayama

June 19th: blackrabbit42 writing for candygramme with art by carpecaseum

theymp writing for dizzojay with art by gryphon2k

June 22nd: auntmo9 writing for phebemarie with art by twistedslinky

cuddyclothes writing for theymp with art by angelus2hot

June 23rd” jennytork writing for zelda_addict with art by liketheriffle_k

tattooeddevil writing for antrazi with art by gryphon2k

June 24th: phebemarie writing for auntmo9 with art by twistedslinky

dizzojay writing for spn_bigpretzel with art by denaworkshop

June 25th: sameuspegasus writing for patriciatepes with art by twistedslinky

sinfulslasher writing for tattooeddevil with art by kanarek13

June 26th: fireheart13 writing for sinfulslasher; artist to be determinded

And now for the posting guidelines:

Feel free to post your fic and art directly to the comm or post a link back to your own personal journal. Links to entries at your personal journal cannot be f-locked as we want your recipient as well as other comm members to be able to enjoy the story and art. Please, do not crosspost to other comms until after June 27th.

There are no real rules for what time to post your fic/art. As long as it is your posting date (wherever you are in the world) feel free to post. also, if you are pressed for time on your posting date, remember that you can use LJ's scheduled posts feature. You may use any standard header, but here's an example:

Warnings/Spoilers (if applicable):

Also, please tag your fic appropriately, including the "fic exchange" tag as well as the appropriate author and artist tag. If you are new to the comm and/or do not have an artist or author tage, please leta mod know so we can add a tag for you.

Comm Members: Remember to give both the author and the artist some love for all the hard work they've put in. Comments are love! I'm so excited to see the results :D

mod post, fic exchange

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