Team Diet: The Best Of All Possible Worlds

Feb 27, 2014 13:07

Characters: Sam, Dean (Dean POV)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G

This was inspired by vexed_wench's My Brother Is A Chipmunk. Read that one first.

Whoa! My taste buds had an orgasm!
That’s what I’m talking about!
I want to stuff the whole thing in my mouth--wonder if I could do that? I put all those corncobs in my mouth for Sam’s picture.
But then it would be gone. I hate having to choose. It’s not fair. If only these came in bite-size pieces like candy. A whole bag of yumminess. Eat ‘til you puke. Yeeeessss...might even eat my puke.
Dude, that’s gross.
Who gives a shit?
“How’re you liking the burger?”
“Fucking icreble!”
“Yeah, soy cheese on a veggie burger tastes great!”

team diet, rating: g, author:cuddyclothes

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