Ever have one of those mornings...

Feb 27, 2014 09:24

TITLE: Panic
CHARACTERS: Sam and Dean
WARNINGS: Nothing, really, unless anxiety makes you anxious!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This morning, I accidentally rushed out in a panic that I would be late for work and realized partway that I'd left an hour early... So, I grabbed a coffee and came back to post stuff.

Sam’s eyes opened blearily to find the room bathed in sunlight that somehow snuck through the thick curtains. He bolted upright. What time was it! The clock said 7:50!

Heart pounding, Sam scrambled to find clean clothes. Did he have any homework he hadn’t done? Any tests? He couldn’t think!

He rushed to the kitchenette and grabbed a slice of bread--no time for toasting or anything else!

He shoved the blanket covered lump that was both his older brother and his ride to school since the bus was long gone...

“Dean! Wake up! I’m late!”

“Dude, it’s Saturday!”

dude!, dean, weechesters, sam, rating: g, fic: gen, drabbles, team exercise, author:zelda_adict

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