Team Diet: Let Them Eat... Cake?

Feb 25, 2014 22:41

Title: Let Them Eat... Cake?
Characters/Pairing: Dean Winchester, Ben
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Dean and Ben have a talk
A/N: written for spn_bigpretzel

“What’s your favorite food in the whole world?”

Dean didn’t even have to think about it. “Pie.”

Ben turned to face him. “But what kind of pie?”

Dean shrugged his shoulders. “It doesn’t really matter what kind. Apple, blueberry, peach....”


Before he could stop himself he shuddered. “Almost any kind of pie.” He turned to look Ben in the eyes. “What kind do you like?”

It was Ben’s turn to shrug his shoulders. “Pie is okay. But I kind of prefer cake.”

Dean’s mouth fell open. He couldn’t have heard that right. How could anyone prefer cake over pie?”

team diet, author:angelus2hot, dean, ben

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