3 More drabbles for Team Exercise!

Feb 25, 2014 22:25

Exercise: Digging up a crossroads, and dancing
“Doesn’t it make you think of REM?” Garth asked.
“Rapid eye movement?” Sam asked.
“Really evil mermaids?” Dean hazarded.
“No, their song!  ‘Stand in the place where you work, now face west, think about direction, wonder why you haven’t before.”
Garth began doing some type of retro song and dance that involved his hips gyrating, arms swinging, a little kick and a hop twist.
“Sometimes,” Sam said to Dean, “I can almost go along with your rule of no music from later than 1983.”
“Yup,” Dean said. They went back to digging.
Garth danced on, hopping to the four directions.


Exercise: Chin-ups!
“Chin-ups, Dean,” Sam insisted.  “The basic move no Hunter should be without.”
“I freaking hate chin-ups,” Dean grumbled, glaring at the bar.
“Remember the last time you were defenestrated?”
“No!” Dean complained.
“Thrown out a window,” Sam sighed, “and I had to haul you back in.  Plus the last two times you were thrown off a bridge.  And that time with the catwalk in the haunted theater…”
“All right, all right,” Dean grumbled.  Just because Sam was the chin-up queen didn’t mean anything.
“One,” he gasped.  “Two.”
“No, Dean, your feet have to be off the ground.”
“Sam!” Dean whined.

Exercise: toss and catch!
“Just scratch right there, yeah!” It felt so good to have his back scratched that Dean’s leg gave a little involuntary kick.
“Ah, this water is so cold! Refreshing!” Dean tipped the glass back, spilling it all over himself, but he didn’t care.
“Just toss it - dang!” Sam tossed the keys and they slid across the cement floor, Dean happily skidding after them, smiling as he came up with them looped on his finger.
“Meat!  Meat and gravy!  It sure doesn’t get better than this!” Dean said, chowing down.
Dean wasn’t a dog any more, but certain side effects remained.

I'm trying to make sure these are all about exercise, movement or at least action!  Sorry if it seems like any are stretching it.  For prompts I am using Rory's Story Cubes.  These six drabbles are all inspired by the various images on one Rory's Action Cube.  :D

fic: gen, author:fannishliss, team exercise, drabbles

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