Heart to Heart

May 29, 2022 22:21

Rating: K+
Genre: Family
Characters: Sam and Dean
Spoilers/warnings: Tag to Lebanon (300th episode)
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything or anyone.

Heart to Heart

By Swellison

Sam found Dean at the dining room table, staring at one of the tapered candles. Where he sat last night, he noted, taking the seat opposite. “Penny for your thoughts?”

Dean startled, then met his eyes. “I’m an idiot. Why couldn’t I wish for the right thing? Then I’d be-we’d be-free of Michael.”

“You’re the kinda person that has only one true heart’s desire.” Family. All of us together. “The banzhou-pearl would’ve known the difference, and nothing would’ve happened. Instead, you gave me a glimpse of what Mom and Dad were like, before. I’ll always treasure that.”

sam, drabble, author:swellison, dean

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