Yes, well, I know it's not Christmas...

May 29, 2022 15:01

Okay, listen up Peasants.

It's been quiet around the comm of late; too bloody quiet.  Old Droopy Drawers, Dizzo and her cohorts might be busy in real life, but ...they're not meeting my exacting standards.  Of course, no-one ever meets my exacting standards, besides me, but I digress...

I've decided to haul my perfectly pert arse up from the furnace to get things moving around here again.

Now the three stooges that 'run' this place have said to me, 'but June is when Summergen is running, we don't want to clash with that', and normally, I'd treat any advice that isn't mine with the contempt that it deserves, but to show that I can be reasonable when the mood takes me - which isn't often - I'm formally announcing a challenge for the month of June where you all only have to do half a job...

I'm sure you've all got half-finished fics that are clogging up your hard-drives, (oh darling - that sounds vaguely dirty), or floating around in your head, so now is your metaphorical 'kick up the arse' to finish them!

As long as they fit, to some degree, within the spirit of this comm, that is to say; funny, witty, cute and lovable - you know, me, basically; then get them finished and posted here at spn_bigpretzel between 1st and 30th of June.   Remember to tag them bloodyfic so that Dizzo can collect them and masterpost them later!

They can be drabbles, one-shots or forty-chapter epics.  I'll even accept art because I'm nice like that - don't believe everything you hear, especially from Dizzo, doesn't know what day of the week it is, that one!

So, off you toddle, and finish that bloody fic!

I haven't come up to this madhouse for the good of my health.  Although, if there's anything I can help you with, meet me at the nearest crossroads...

challenges, bloodyfic

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