Crowley's Christmas Fic Exchange: Masterlist

Jan 03, 2022 14:00

Well, peasants; that was that.

I suppose this is the part where I have to thank you for participating.  I mean, why the hell (see what I did there) am I taking time away from Hell, if no-one plays?

But seriously darlings, everyone turned in great work - even by my standards, so thank you, I suppose.  There.  I said it...

I've compiled a masterlist because apparently Dizzo is too bone idle to do it for me.  She's busy braiding her toe hair or something, so here it is.  If you haven't already checked out all the works go and do it. Now.  Chop-chop.  These nine industrious participants have worked hard for me and I'm sure as hell (see, I did it again) not leaving any love, so it's up to you to do it.

You can also now share your fanworks wherever you like now, so have at it.

So, that's me done.  I'm heading back to Hell because, honestly, I take my eyes off these little demon shits for one moment, and the place is an absolute bloody mess, and apparently Juliet's eaten my entire staff.  Bollocks!

Well, it seems I'm in need of nine new souls ... any takers?


The Consequences of Free Samples by kingstoken for candygramme
A Home for the Holidays by jdl71 for ellerkay
Christmas Spirit by dizzojay for theymp
Christmas Comic by midnightsilvers for fledge comic panels have been reposted in much clearer definition, be sure to check them out!
Oh Christmas Tree by candygramme for swellison
No Snow, just Heat this Christmas by theymp for jdl71
Snow Days or Rocky Mountain Hunt by swellison for dizzojay
The Christmas Cat by fledge for kingstoken
A Crowley Carol by ellerkay for midnightsilvers

crowleys christmas, masterlist

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