Genre: Humour
Rating: K+
Characters: Sam, Dean, Jack
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: I don't own them
Dean glanced around as he entered the bunker’s hall.
“Hey Sam, where’s Jack?”
“He’s gone shopping,” Sam replied.
“Yep,” Sam continued; “said he wanted some new clothes.”
“Huh,” Dean smirked; “he getting horny or something?”
“He just said he wanted to look cool,” Sam replied with a shrug. “I guess kids that age all want to dress like their heroes, don’t they!”
Dean grinned; “he’s probably got into some crap new boy band or something. Hey, Sam, do you remember when you were into the Backstreet Boys? We spent weeks trawling the streets for white jeans.”
Sam blushed; “sheesh, don’t remind me. I looked like a freaking anaemic penguin.”
“Yeah,” Dean laughed; “and you grew out of them after a month!”
There was a click from above, and Sam pressed a finger to his lips. “Ssh… Jack’s back,” Sam snapped; “now, whatever he’s bought, no laughing, right?”
Dean nodded in mute agreement.
“Hey Jack, good shopping trip?”
“Yeah, thanks Sam; really good.”
“What’dy get then?” Dean prompted with curiosity.
Jack rummaged in the big paper bag he was carrying. “I got three plaid shirts and this really cool trenchcoat.”
“I know you said no laughing, but … I think I’ve got something in my eye!”