12 Days of Christmas challenge drabble: Gingerbread Men

Dec 25, 2020 19:29

Title: Gingerbread Men
Characters: Jack, Dean, Sam
Rating: Teen/PG-13
Genre: Humor
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All for fun, none for profit.
Summary: Jack questions the ethical ramifications of cookies shaped like people.
Prompt: Written for the spn_bigpretzel 12 Days of Christmas challenge.
A/N: Merry Christmas, everyone!

Also on: AO3 and My journal

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jack, sam, drabble, fic: gen, 12 days of christmas challenge, dean

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Comments 14

mystifiedgal23 December 26 2020, 00:32:11 UTC
Oh, jack


ellerkay December 26 2020, 01:08:34 UTC
XD I know, right?


theymp December 26 2020, 00:32:50 UTC
LOL, there is a certain satisfaction in viciously biting off the head first!

Merry Christmas!


ellerkay December 26 2020, 01:08:51 UTC
XD So true! Merry Christmas!


candygramme December 26 2020, 02:46:54 UTC
WHAT? I always eat the head first.That way he can't see when I bite off his legs.Don't tell Jack!


ellerkay December 26 2020, 17:26:19 UTC
Loooooool! We'll make sure his innocent ears never hear of it. ;)


dizzojay December 26 2020, 14:17:46 UTC
Jack makes a good point...

Sam will have to stick to gingerbread houses in future!!


ellerkay December 26 2020, 17:26:33 UTC
XD Right? Poor Sam...


jj1564 December 26 2020, 18:55:22 UTC
Hmm, perhaps Jack will create a whole world made out of gingerbread people!!


ellerkay December 26 2020, 22:33:12 UTC
XD It'll be like Chuck's squirrel world, but delicious.


jj1564 December 27 2020, 18:14:51 UTC
Hee hee!


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