12 Days of Christmas challenge drabble: Gingerbread Men

Dec 25, 2020 19:29

Title: Gingerbread Men
Characters: Jack, Dean, Sam
Rating: Teen/PG-13
Genre: Humor
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All for fun, none for profit.
Summary: Jack questions the ethical ramifications of cookies shaped like people.
Prompt: Written for the spn_bigpretzel 12 Days of Christmas challenge.
A/N: Merry Christmas, everyone!

Also on: AO3 and My journal


“Isn’t this cannibalism?” Jack asked.

Dean choked on a mouthful of gingerbread man. “What? No!” he said.

Jack looked down at the cookie he was decorating with a doubtful expression. “It seems like it.” He glanced at the one Dean was ostensibly working on and stuck a gumdrop button on in imitation of Dean’s choice.

“Jack, they’re made of gingerbread, not - y’know - people,” Sam said. He’d stopped decorating.

“Dean ate the head first,” Jack said. “It just seems odd when they’re human-shaped.”

Sam pushed his gingerbread man away, looking a little green. “I think I’m done with this for now.”

jack, sam, drabble, fic: gen, 12 days of christmas challenge, dean

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