12 Days of Christmas Challenge: Heavenly Christmas

Dec 25, 2020 23:07

Title: Heavenly Christmas
Characters: Dean, Jack and Cas, but Sam and several others are there, too.
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Summary: What could make Christmas in heaven completely perfect?
Prompt: the ' 12 days of Christmas challenge' on spn_bigpretzel

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rating: pg, castiel, 12 days of christmas challenge, author:jj1564, dean, jack, fic: gen, dribble

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Comments 15

ellerkay December 26 2020, 00:16:27 UTC
SQUEE - I love this! It broke my heart when Jack implied he wouldn't ever stop by...I'm happy to see fic where he's coming around sometimes! Great Christmas treat. <3


jj1564 December 27 2020, 17:09:12 UTC
Aw, thanks so much! Yes, I thought it was sad that they'd never see Jack again and had to fix it for Christmas!


theymp December 26 2020, 00:45:05 UTC
A day together again with friends and family really would be heavenly! Here's hoping for 2021!

Merry Christmas!


jj1564 December 27 2020, 17:11:07 UTC
No social distancing in heaven! Next year will be better, we hope!!

Thanks, and thanks for your card, I hope you had a good one. 🎄


candygramme December 26 2020, 02:51:53 UTC
I hope Ellen, Jo and Ash can drop by too. that would make it perfect.


jj1564 December 27 2020, 17:13:24 UTC
They'll be at the New Years Eve party with Benny, Adam, Jody and others - Donna will live to be 104 and still eating donuts!


candygramme December 27 2020, 17:31:28 UTC
Of course she will. She's made of stern stuff!


fanspired December 26 2020, 07:26:50 UTC
Awwww! This is adorable! Especially Jack's little wave ♥


jj1564 December 27 2020, 18:11:29 UTC
I love his adorable little wave! Thanks x


dizzojay December 26 2020, 13:22:19 UTC
Aw, beautiful! That would be the absolute perfect Christmas :)


jj1564 December 27 2020, 18:11:59 UTC
Thanks so much. Yes, perfect for them all. aww xx


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