12 Days of Christmas Challenge: Heavenly Christmas

Dec 25, 2020 23:07

Title: Heavenly Christmas
Characters: Dean, Jack and Cas, but Sam and several others are there, too.
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Summary: What could make Christmas in heaven completely perfect?
Prompt: the ' 12 days of Christmas challenge' on spn_bigpretzel

Christmas in heaven was damn-near perfect, Dean thought. Even better than the one that weird nymph-woman Mrs Butters had laid on, because now they were here with Mom, Dad, Bobby, Rufus and Charlie. All thanks to Jack and Cas.

He smiled as he looked round at his family, sharing food and laughter. Yep, it was damn-near perfect.

“Hello, Dean,” a familiar deep voice said from behind him. He turned in astonishment. seeing Cas with Jack beside him, doing his usual wave.

“I...I thought you were hands off!” Dean asked Jack.

“Not today,” Jack smiled.

“Now it is perfect.” Dean grinned.

rating: pg, castiel, 12 days of christmas challenge, author:jj1564, dean, jack, fic: gen, dribble

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