Hallowe'en Reverse Micro Bang - Masterpost

Nov 07, 2020 18:25

So, our itty bitty, teeny-weeny Hallowe'en Micro bang is all over, and in addition to our six great art pieces, we had six fantastic fics to go with them.

So here, for your convenience, is a masterlist of our entries... Enjoy!

Shoulder Angel: art by amberdreams fic by ellerkay
How to Civilise your Nephilim (Just don't mistake them for teenagers): art by kingstoken fic by candygramme
Night Crawler: art by jdl71 fic by dizzojay
Sam the Cat: The Beginning (Dean's never been allergic to his brother before): art by jj1564 fic by theymp
Baby's had a Hell of a Day: art by dizzojay fic by antrazi
The Fake Date: art by emmatheslayer fic by jj1564

mod post, masterlist, halloween micro bang

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