DEW: Meet the Winchesters

Oct 10, 2020 19:38

Title: Meet the Winchesters
Author: theymp
Prompt: DEW Challenge: Sam, Dean, Castiel, or Jack & dating. SPN100 Challenge: press
Genre: humour
Characters: Sam & Dean Winchester, Castiel, Jack, and Jack's date
Pairing: Jack/Jack's date
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 300
Warning/Spoilers: n/a
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.

Summary: Sam, Dean, and Castiel make quite an impression on meeting Jack's new date. External point of view

Meeting a guy's parents is a big step in any relationship, but Jack has three dads! I never quite got the full story from him, just that his mom died when he was born and his birth father was some deadbeat, kinda like the devil, or something. So, Jack and his three adopted dads all lived together in this weird-ass bunker. I guess maybe they're preppers?

When we arrived, Jack gave introductions and everyone stood around looking awkward.

"What a lovely home you have," I lied, thinking it looked old like my grandma's place.

Then Castiel somehow managed to scratch me with a knife and knock a glass of water over me. He didn't even apologize, just muttered something in some creepy European language. Next, he practically interrogated me on what I did for a living and, when I said retail, totally went off on how to best stock the till counter for impulse buys. I mean, I thought Jack said they were exterminators?

Dean just sat there the whole time polishing this huge collection of guns without seeming to blink or look away from me for a second. I think they might actually be a doomsday cult...

Finally, Sam shook my hand, I kinda got the sense he's shy around people, and apologized for his family's weird behavior. Weird doesn't even come close, mister.

"So, what do you think? Do you like them?" pressed Jack, all eager and earnest once we escaped back to the safety and normality of my car.

Jack's such a sweet boy, a real angel, but is he worth all that baggage?

"Okay, I guess," I grumbled. I know, gimme a break; only a soulless monster could stay mad looking at those puppy-dog eyes. "Although, considering your fathers' non-traditional relationship, they do seem awfully judgmental."


drabble, castiel, dean, jack, sam, fic: gen, dew, rating: pg-13, author:theymp

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