Join us for the Halloween Reverse 'Micro' Bang 2020

Oct 10, 2020 20:49

Because Halloween is only three weeks away, this is a ‘micro’ bang - we’re unfortunately a bit behind the curve on this, and we need to be realistic about what can be produced in three weeks!!! But, come on, we HAVE to do something for Halloween!

You can participate as an artist, an author or BOTH.   If you want to participate as an artist, just make sure you post your art by October 16th (see schedule below).  Claiming of the art will be open to all.

Artists: We don’t want a big bang’s worth of art.  Think one piece (drawing or manip) that can serve as the inspiration for an author to write a Hallowe’en-themed story.  You can enter multiple pieces if you’d like and have time for it, but keep in mind that we have a very limited time frame.

Writers: Due to the short notice, the minimum is just 500 words. The sky's the limit though.  Try not to go overboard. You’ll only have two weeks to write.


Art is due by Friday 16th October - please post your art as a comment to this post anytime up to that date.
Claiming of art by authors will begin Saturday, October 17th, and there will be a dedicated post for this.
Posting of stories will begin on October 31st - a schedule will be released when we know how many stories we are expecting.

And now... the rules!

We’re not looking for hardcore terrifying horror or desperate tear-your-heart-out angst here.  It’s a show about hunting monsters and the theme is Halloween, so yeah there may be some scary.  It’s also a show with a lot of drama, so again yeah there may very well be a bit of angst.  BUT the emphasis needs to be on the funny, sweet, schmoopy, or cracky.  The goal is to leave your audience with a good feeling.

No RPF please.  The focus should be on the characters of SPN not the actors who play them.  The one exception are the characters from the Season 6 ep: The French Mistake.

If you’re unsure about something being appropriate - feel free to ask  The monsters may bite, but the mods don’t.


mod post, halloween micro bang

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