Can't Be All Work (Fun and Sunshine Challenge)

Jul 24, 2020 01:04

Title: Can't Be All Work
Author: Kat
Fandom: Supernatural
Genre: Humor
Characters: Garth, Sam mentioned
Rating: G
Word Count: 138
Challenge/Prompt(s): spn_bigpretzel: Fun and Sunshine Challenge & Holiday Prompts: July Table: Cheer Up The Lonely Day
Summary: Garth thinks Sam needs some cheering up.
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters and will not profit from their use.

It really broke Garth's heart to see Sam like this. Even his hair was moping, or Garth assumed from his tone. It wasn't right to just lock himself away like that, not speaking to anyone, just research, research, research all the time. He wasn't even taking phone calls... well, unless you had information. And it was rude to just hang up like that. It was too nice of a summer to not go out and enjoy it just a little.

Sam needed some company, clearly. Garth packed a bag and an assortment of comfort food. He wasn't entirely sure what or how much Sam would eat, so he made sure there was a lot, just in case.

Garth wouldn't normally go visit someone unannounced like this, but Sam was clearly in need of some time with Mr. Frizzles.

rating: g, author:kattrip033, fic: gen, garth, fun and sunshine challenge

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