Catch (Fun and Sunshine Challenge)

Jul 24, 2020 00:42

Title: Catch
Author: Kat
Fandom: Supernatural
Genre: Slice of Life
Characters: Bobby, mentions of Sam and Dean
Rating: G
Word Count: 121
Challenge/Prompt(s): spn_bigpretzel: Fun and Sunshine Challenge & FFFC: Table E: Weird AO3 Tags: 98. graphic depictions of summer
Summary: Bobby is enjoying a summer afternoon with the boys.
Spoilers/Warnings: None
A/N: wee!chesters
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters and will not profit from their use.

It had reached golden hour, the setting sun bathing everything in warm glow. Bobby knew he should pack up the boys and head back to the house before they lost the light, but Dean had gotten really into their game of catch. Sam had tired himself out hunting for bugs and was sacked out under the nearby tree. The breeze was just right, letting you feel the warmth of the day, but not get overheated by it. The grass was just tall enough to dance along with the breeze. The cooler he'd packed sandwiches, chips, and sodas in was already empty, the dumped ice melting next to it forging a tiny river to nowhere.

A few more throws wouldn't hurt anything.

rating: g, author:kattrip033, fic: gen, fun and sunshine challenge, weechesters, bobby, bobby singer

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